a entrepreneur is a person who can undertake a commercial venture. what are 6 characteristics of this person

2 answers


I would add to those ten characteristics having the ability to evaluate and manipulate others.
This lovely word has been borrowed from the French.
entre = between; among; in, into
preneur = taker, buyer

The feminine form is entrepreneuse, however we don't use that.

Here is what my dictionary says:

Main Entry: en·tre·pre·neur
Pronunciation: "änn-tr&-p(r)&-'n&r, -'n(y)ur
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Old French, from entreprendre to undertake —more at ENTERPRISE
Date: 1852
: one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise
- en·tre·pre·neur·ial /-'n(y)ur-E-&l, -'n&r-/ adjective
- en·tre·pre·neur·ial·ism /-E-&-li-z&m/ noun
- en·tre·pre·neur·ial·ly /-E-&-lE/ adverb
- en·tre·pre·neur·ship /-'n&r-"ship, -'n(y)ur-/ noun
