hf=hi+vi*t-gt^2 /3
4.9t^2-5t-30=0 I get about 3 sec
distance=10cos30 * 3.03 sec which is not your answer.
A boy throws a ball off the top of a 30m high building with a speed of 10m/s at an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal. How far from the base of the building does the ball strike?
I broke in up into 2 dimensional:
X horizontal values: Xi=0 Xf=? Vi=8.6m/s. Vf=? a=0
Y vertical values: Xi=0, Xf=15m, Vi=5, Vf? a=9.82. I then solved for time in the Y then used the distant formula to find my answer. 11.3 m away. Is this right?
1 answer