a = -b because of Newton's third law.
-c -d = 0 , and therefore -c = d,
because the hook does not move. You could say that is a result of Newton's first law
A bike is hanging from a hook in a garage. You need to consider the following forces.
(a) The force of the Earth pulling down on the bike.
(b) The force of the bike pulling up on the Earth.
(c) The force of the hook pulling up on the bike.
(d) The force of the hook pulling down on the ceiling.
Which two forces are equal and opposite because of Newton's third law?
Which two forces are equal and opposite because of Newton's first law?
I would like to say A and C for the first question and B and D for the second one but I;m not sure
2 answers
the newtons first law one was wrong so I'm not sure what it would rather be