A ball on the end of a string is revolved at a uniform rate in a vertical circle of radius 72.0m, as shown in figure. If it's sped is 4.00 m/s and its mass is .300kg. Calculate the tension in the string when the ball is a). at the top of its path and b). when it's at the bottom of the path.
3 answers
See my preious answer below, under "related questions". I have nothing further to add.
emily, the question is 72 CM, not 72 meters. convert the 72cm into .72m.
(mass) X (Speed)2/(distance .72) - (mass)(gravity)
for the other other one add the two together.
(mass) X (Speed)2/(distance .72) - (mass)(gravity)
for the other other one add the two together.
Okay, thanks! I think I figured it out, if not will ask you tomorrow!!