A ball is tossed straight up from the surface of a small spherical asteroid with no atmosphere. The ball goes to a height ewual to the asteroid's radius and then falls straight down towardd the surface of the asteroid. What forces if any act on the ball while it is on the way up?

a) only a decreasing gravitational forces acts downward
b) Only an increasing gravitational gorce that acts downwards.
c) only a constant gravitational gorce that acts downwards
d) Both a constant gravitational foce that acts downwards and a decreasing force that acts upwards.
e) No foces act on the ball

I beleieve the answer is c) sincce the question asks for the forces that act on the ball when it is going up. Plus in this situation wouldn't g be constant?

How can the gravity force be constant?
gravity force= GmM/distance^2 Distance is changing.

But in this situation there is no atmosphere so would that make it constant?

1 answer

i took a test with this on it and the answer is a