

c [k] + a,o,u, car,care; coat, cost; cute, cut,

c [s] + e,i, ceiling, city, cinema

The letter c is pronounced either k or s. Before a,o, and u, the consonant c is pronounced [k]. Before e and i, the letter c is pronounced [s]. For example; car, coat, cute, ceiling, and cinema.

B. Listen carefully, and mark o on the place where the underlined part is pronounced as in the above. (Correct?)

Listen carefully, and mark o on the underlined place which is pronounced as in the above. (Correct?)

1. I'm going to the Seould Community Center.

2. What are you going to do there?

In #2, 'going to' is pronounced gonna. However, In #1, 'going to' cannot be pronounced gonna, because 'to the Seoul Community' is a unit, which is an adverbial phrase.

Would you like to take a look at the expressions above? Are my explanations grammatical? If you find grammar errors, correct them, please.

1 answer

In section B, do you mean to draw a circle or to make the letter "o"?

The slang "gonna" is just that -- slang. It's far better to pronounce it correctly, "going to." You'll have fewer errors that way!