North = 7.2 + 12.2 cos 45
West = 12.3 - 12.2 cos 45
answer = sqrt [ North^2 + West^2 ] blocks
A: A boy runs 7.2 blocks North, 12.2 blocks Northeast, and 12.3 blocks West.
Determine the length of the displacement vector that goes from the starting point to his final position.
B: Determine the direction of the displacement vector. Use counterclockwise as the positive angular direction, between the limits of −180◦ and +180◦ measured from East.
Answer in units ◦
2 answers
answer is in northwest quadrant
tan angle = North/West, find angle which is above -x axis
subtract angle from 180
tan angle = North/West, find angle which is above -x axis
subtract angle from 180