"A 3.5 kg monket is suspended motionless 35 meter above the ground by holding two vines (a vertical vine and a diagonal vine)"
We need to find the tension force in the diagonal vine as well as the angle of the diagonal vine with respect to the y axis.
I'm having trouble making a motion map of this. However, I created one with two tension vectors, one up (I labeled it t2)and one up and diagonal(labeled t1) , a push going left, and weight (mass*gravity) going down. Therefore, my Max=t1sin45-17=0 and my max=t1costhetea+t2cos90-34.3=0. I did not get the right answers. But, I found t1 using my max equation then I used what I found in that to solve my may equation. I've become very lost.
Thanks for your responses!
1 answer
I don't see how one vine can be vertical and the other at an angle. If there's any tension in the side vine, it will move the "vertical" vine to the side.