1) ¿Crees que las fábricas son _____ para el medio ambiente?

A. puras
B. una amenaza
C. contaminadas
D. buenos
I said D

2) El tigre es uno de los animales que está en ____ de extinción.
A. un árbol
B. un zoológico
C. peligro
D. una planta
I said C

3) ¿ ______ forman parte del medio ambiente?
Sí, por supuesto.
A. Los árboles
B. Los coches
C. Las fábricas
D. Las bicicletas
I said A

4) Estas _____ rosadas son más bonitas que las blancas.
A. pieles
C. jaguares
D. árboles
I said B

5) Podemos conservar mucha ____si apagamos las luces cuando no las necesitamos.
A. madera
B. agua
C. energía
D. aire
I said C

6) Luisa, te present a la señora Ortega.
A. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
B. ¿Cómo estás?
C. Ahora te conozco
D. Encantada
I said A

7) Me encantan _______. Todos llevan algo muy divertido.
A. las fiestas de disfraces
B. los regalos elegantes
C. los zapatos de tacón alto
D. las invitaciones
I said A

8) El 31 de diciembre vamos a la casa de mis tíos para _________.
A. otro año
B. una fiesta de fin de año
C. regular corbatas
D. algunas decoraciones
I said B

9) Mi abuela todavía no sabe que pensamos ir a un restaurant para su cumpleaños. Va a ser una fiesta __________________.
A. de la escuela
B. con pulseras
C. con uvas
D. de sorpresa
I said D

10) ¡Hoy tengo quince años!
A. ¿Qué tal?
B. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
C. ¡Genial!
D. ¡De ninguna manera!
I said B

11) ¿______ a Alberto Montenegro? Lo invite a nuestra reunion.
No,no lo conozco.
A. Conoces
B. Cantamos
C. Presentas
D. Sabe
I said D

12) Hay muchas _______ en nuestra familia; pore so conozco bien a todos mis parientes.
A. cumpleaños
B. reuniones
C. joyas
D. sorpresas
I said B

13) Hay que escribir _______ en las invitaciónes.
A. las decoraciones
B. los regalos
C. la fecha, la hora y el lugar
D. solo los numerous de teléfono
I said C

14) Me gusta regalar algo _______ nunca lo compro.
A. feo y barato
B. de disfraces
C. hecho a mano
D. de ninguna manera
I said C

15) A mi madre le gustan las flores. Pienso ________ algunas para su cumpleaños.
A. regalarle
B. sacar
C. presentarle
D. vender
I said A

16) El baile va a ser muy elegante. Debo llevar _________.
A. tenis
B. calcentines
C. zapatos de tacón alto
D. novio
I said C

17) ¿Dónde está papa?
Fue al teatro para comprar ______ para regalarle a Diana.
A. descuentos
B. unos trajes
C. dos entradas
D. ambiente
I said C

18) ¿Te gustó la fiesta de la escuela?
Sí, lo pasé bien. ________ casi toda la noche.
A. Invitamos
B. Recibimos
C. Bailamos
D. Escribimos
I said C

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
11 years ago

I'll send this to SraJMcGin, our

Spanish expert.

User Icon for SraJMcGin SraJMcGin answered
11 years ago

Only mentioning those you missed and those with errors.

missed = 1. las fábricas = feminine, plural = B

#6. Te presentO = typo = D

#11. accents on invité & reunión = A. This is the difference between SABER = to know a fact or information and CONOCER = to be acquainted with a person or thing

typoe: #9. restaurante
#12. separate por eso
#13 números (spelling)
#14 punctuación = punctuation to avoid a run-on sentence

I'll flag this one as well, to see IF you have any questions.


User Icon for Eri Eri answered
11 years ago

Hi! thank you very much, but I was wondering would the answer for 1 be different if the answer was masculine instead of feminine. I always seemed to struggle with the two.

User Icon for SraJMcGin SraJMcGin answered
11 years ago

Good question! And, YES, any adjectives, like A, C, D would have to be the same number (plural) and gender (feminine) BUT in this case, because the answer is B, that will not change, since it is a NOUN. Anything = singular or plural, feminine or masculine would STILL be A THREAT = UNA AMENAZA.


User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

1) The correct answer is B. In order to determine this answer, you would need to evaluate the impact of factories on the environment. One way to do this is to research information about the pollution caused by factories, such as their emissions and waste disposal practices. By understanding the negative effects that factories can have on the environment, you can conclude that they are a threat.

2) The correct answer is C. To find the answer to this question, you would need to understand the concept of animal extinction. You can do research or refer to your knowledge about endangered species. Tigers are one of the animals that are currently in danger of becoming extinct.

3) The correct answer is A. To answer this question, you would need to determine which options are part of the environment. Trees are natural components of the environment, so they would be the correct choice in this case.

4) The correct answer is B. In order to answer this question correctly, you would need to understand what is being described as "pink" and "beautiful" in the sentence. In this case, it is referring to flowers. By understanding the meanings of the words used in the sentence, you can determine that flowers are being discussed.

5) The correct answer is C. To answer this question, you would need to understand the context and implications of conserving a particular resource. In this case, conserving energy can be achieved by turning off lights when they are not needed. By understanding this, you can conclude that the answer is energy.

6) The correct answer is D. To determine the correct response in this situation, you would need to consider the appropriate greeting when meeting someone for the first time. "Encantada" is a commonly used response when meeting someone new.

7) The correct answer is A. To answer this question, you would need to understand what is being described as something that is "fun" and involves people wearing something enjoyable. In this case, it refers to costume parties or parties with costumes, which are commonly referred to as "fiestas de disfraces."

8) The correct answer is B. To understand the purpose of going to someone's house on December 31, you would need to determine the significance of that date. This date is known as New Year's Eve, and people often gather to celebrate the end of the year with a party or "fiesta de fin de año."

9) The correct answer is D. To answer this question, you would need to consider the context and purpose of the celebration. A surprise party, or "fiesta de sorpresa," is being planned for the grandmother's birthday. By understanding this, you can conclude that the answer is D.

10) The correct answer is B. In this context, the statement "Hoy tengo quince años" expresses that it is the speaker's birthday. The appropriate response in this situation is to wish the person a happy birthday, so the answer is "¡Feliz cumpleaños!"

11) The correct answer is D. In this question, the speaker is being asked if they know a person named Alberto Montenegro. The response "No, no lo conozco" indicates that the speaker does not know him. Therefore, the answer is D.

12) The correct answer is B. In order to determine the answer to this question, you would need to understand what is being referred to as "many" in the sentence. The sentence states that there are many of these in the speaker's family, and they are well acquainted with all their relatives. The most fitting answer in this case is "reuniones" or reunions/gatherings.

13) The correct answer is C. To determine the answer, you would need to understand what needs to be written on invitations. The sentence suggests that the date, time, and location should be included in the invitations.

14) The correct answer is C. To answer this question, you would need to understand what the speaker likes to give as a gift. The sentence suggests that the speaker likes to give handmade gifts, or "algo hecho a mano."

15) The correct answer is A. In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their intention to give flowers as a gift to their mother. The appropriate verb to use in this context is "regalarle" or to give her.

16) The correct answer is C. In order to determine the appropriate choice of footwear for an elegant dance, you would need to consider the formality of the occasion. In this case, the correct answer is "zapatos de tacón alto" or high-heeled shoes.

17) The correct answer is C. In this context, the sentence states that the father went to the theater to buy something for Diana. The appropriate object to buy for someone in this context is "entradas" or tickets.

18) The correct answer is C. In this sentence, the speaker is saying that they had a good time at the party and "danced" almost the entire night. The appropriate verb to use in this context is "bailamos" or we danced.