9.)How did the increase of textile mills and factories in the North affect the population in the South during the period from 1820 to 1850?
A.)As more Americans moved to the North to find jobs, the population in the Southern states began to decrease.***
B.)Because cotton was a necessity in the textile mills, the population of Americans who owned slaves increased dramatically.
C.)The population of farmers growing cotton and grain crops increased dramatically while those growing sugar and tobacco decreased.
D.)The demand for Southern products like cotton increased, so the Southern population grew rapidly
I Believe the Answer is "A" But my mom disagrees & say's it's "B", Am I'm correct or is she correct?
7 answers
Score one for Mom! B is right.
:( Thank you
You're welcome.
The answer is not A. The so-called "great migration" didn't occur until the 1920s and after. Have you read you text materials? What do they say?
Why did Ms.sue's lie?
i put down B, My mom is right?
Score one for Mom! B is right.