MsSue asked you if both countries had savannas?
Yes.... A is corrrect
8. Four major vegetation regions common to both the US and Candada are
a. tundra, rain forest, ice cap, and desert scrub
b. forest, desert scrub, savanna and continental
c. tundra, forest, grassland, and highlands
d. ice cap, grassland, forest, and savanna
I've already asked this one before but I'm not sure if I received an answer. D?
14. The main landforms of Mexico are the Sierra Madres and the
a. central plateau
b. Isthmus of Panama
c. Amazon Basin
d. Andes
From the link that I was given yesterday, i think the answer is A
9 answers
Yes! Both are right! :-)
:D thanks!
Oops -- GuruBlue caught my error. Savannas are only in tropical and subtropical regions -- which Canada certainly is not.
How about C?
How about C?
Yeah, I think that might be're not at the top of your game these days Ms.Sue =P
Obviously you haven't read my other posts. Although I'm not perfect -- I still maintain about a 95% accuracy.
ms.sue what are the answers for the whole thing?? plz help me
hey yo help me?? pppppppppllllllllllzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!11
1. B
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. Essay Q
12. Essay Q
13. Essay Q
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. Essay Q
12. Essay Q
13. Essay Q