1. Which carachteristics describe ancient sumarian civilization? select all that apply. (3 points)
[A] city-states ruled by kings
[B] job specialization
[C] monotheistic religion
[D] social hierarchies
[E] use of terraced fields
2. What innovations did ancient Mesopotamians pass on to later civilizations?
secect all that apply. (5 points)
[A] calendar
[B] gunpowder
[C] legal code
[D] mummification
[E] number system
[F] silk production
[G] wheel
[H] writing
3. What impact did the criminal laws on Hammurabi's Code have? select all that apply. (2 points) 5
[A] they ensured that slaves did not suffer persicution
[B] they helped maintain order in society
[C] they mediated disagreement over business contracts
[D] they protected women from poor marrage contracts
[E] they restricted acts of personal vengance
4. What is one way that Darius united the Persian empire? (1 point)
[A] he forced conquered people to adopt Persian costoms and religion
[B] he personaly oversaw every branch of the Persian government
[C] he standerdized coinage and other aspects of persian economy
[D] he expanded his empire through peacful means rather than conquest
5. How did you know the Sumarian government was both a monarch and a theocracy? (1 point)
[A] the king was an absoulute ruler as well as a leading religious official
[B] traders and merchents, along with the king, were the richest members of
[C] kings were worshiped as gods
[D] preists were the rulers of the city-stats
6. How did Saul rule the people of ancient Israel? (1 point)
[A] he conquered neighboring Judah and Canaan
[B] he set up a religious empire modeled after the Persians
[C] he united twelve tribes under one king
[D] he wrelstled power from nebuchadnezzar
7. What is one major similarity between Judaism and Zorastrianism? (1 point)
[A] both are based on the idea of a covenant with god
[B] both state that each individual has free will to do good or evil
[C] both stress the importance of judgment day and an afterlife
[D] both were adopted by Mesopotamia
8. Which of the folowing is a result of the Jews period of captivity and Diaspora? (1 point)
[A] the jewish people had to creat a new religion
[B] jewish ideas and values were widely spread
[C] jewish people had to creat a new set of temporary laws
[D] jewish religious costoms were practiced in secret
(You shall be the father of a multitude of nations...I will make nations of you,and kings shall come forth to you. And I will establish my covenent between me and you and your decendants after you throughout there generations for an everlsting covenent, to be GOD to you and your decendants after you. And I will give to you, and your decendants after you
the land of your sojournings[short stay], all the land of Canaan.)
9. According to the hebrew bible, who was the recipient of this promise?
(1 point)
[A] Moses
[B] Abraham
[C] Solomon
[D] David
10. According to Jewish tradition, which of the following beliefs stemmed from abraham's covenant with god? (1 point)
[A] men and women should be treated equally under jewish law
[B] the isrealites could worship many gods, but there was one supream god
[C] god would have a special relationship with abraham and his people
[D] canaan was the promised land that would belong to babylonians
11. What geographic feature made possible the union of Upper and Lower Egypt (1 point)
[A] mediterranian sea
[B] nile river
[C] red sea
[D] saharah desert
12. What did the ancient Egyptians have to learn to do to make possible the growth of there civilization? (1 point)
[A] they had to build dikes,reservoirs and irragation ditches to control river flooding
[B] they had to desgin boats and contracts to navigate treacherous waters
[C] they had to form peacful alliances with neighbors to defend against attacks
[D] they had to make detaild maps to safely cross the saharah and other desert lands
13. What role did the god Osiris play in Egyptian religious belief? (1 point)
[A] he brought rain waters to the land
[B] he ensured that the sun rose and set each day
[C] he judged the souls of the dead
[D] he protected people in times of war
6 answers
9 is B
10 is C
11 is B
12 is A
13 is A
not shure about 14 but I think its D
same for 15 I'm not shure about it but I think it's A
10 is C — yes
11 is B — yes
12 is A — yes
13 is A — no
not shure about 14 but I think its D
same for 15 I'm not shure about it but I think it's A
I don't see anything after #13.
If your text/assigned reading doesn't give you enough information to answer the first 8, please conduct some Google searches using simple sets of keywords. If you don't want to use Google, try using duckduckgo.com or bing.com
he dead
The civilizations shared similarities and differences in their geography, religions, social structures, and technologies that allowed them to flourish and become two of the most well-known ancient civilizations.
Ancient civilizations like Egypt and Mesopotamia didn't have convenience stores where you could pop in for your milk and slushies. Instead, they were the original ''farm to table'' civilizations, where everything revolved around agriculture.
They were located in river valleys, which are areas of flat land that has a river running through it. These rivers flooded yearly and the receding water would leave behind fertile soil that was great for planting. The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers ran around and through Mesopotamia, forming what's often called ''the Fertile Crescent'', and ancient Egypt had the Nile River running through it. However, Mesopotamia's rivers flooded irregularly in the spring without warning, often causing massive amounts of damage and deaths. Ancient Egypt's river flooded once a year in the summer, and was so timely the ancient Egyptians built their calendar around it.
It was this reliance on their geography to produce food that led to the creation of Mesopotamian and ancient Egyptian religions.
-God would have a special relationship with Abraham and his people.
-Nile River
-calendar, legal code, number system, writing, wheel
-Both state that each individual has free will to do good or evil.
-city-states ruled by kings, job specialization, social hierarchies
-They helped maintain order in society, They restricted acts of personal vengeance
-They had to build dikes, reservoirs, and irrigation ditches to control river flooding.
-He united twelve tribes under one king
-It was complex and capable of highly organized efforts
-He standardized coinage and other aspects of the Persian economy.
-He judged the souls of the dead.
-the positioning of the heads and shoulders of the two figures
-Jewish ideas and values were widely spread.
-The king was an absolute ruler as well as a leading religious official.