-731/2 - 86 =?

9 answers

Is that
73 1/2 - 86?
731/2 - 86?

You start with PEMDAS
P arenthesis
E xponents
M ultiplication (left to right)
D ivision (left to right)
A ddition (left to right)
S ubtraction (left to right)

Since there's no parenthesis, exponents, or multiplication in this problem. You start with D in PEMDAS which is Divison.

So -731/2 which is -365.5

Since subtraction is the only thing left in the problem. We have to do this next.

So -365.5 - 86 which is -451.5

Therefore, the answer is -451.5
73 1/2 -86?
Sorry I thought is was 731/2 - 86

Don't worry about what I answered.
- 73 1/2

Change the 86 into an 85 and 2/2 so...

85 2/2
- 73 1/2
12 1/2
Line up the whole numbers and fractions on your homework sheet.
Why did you change the 86 to a 85?
Sonic changed 86 to 85 2/2 so that both the numerator and denominator have a fraction.

Think of a 86 pizzas. If you divide one pizza into halves you have 85 and 2/2 pizzas.
Because 86 = 86 0/0 which 0/0 can't subtract 1/2

So if I change it to a 85 the 86 became of 2/2 which is 1 but we need it to be a 2/2 to subtract 1/2.