I'm in need of some help. What do you think would be a good thesis statement for and essay on abortion pro-life? I have thought about this for at least an hour now, and can't come up with anything that is somewhat good....Ideas would be greatly appreciated :)

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
12 years ago

A thesis statement is not usually what you come up with first. Follow the writing process, whether you're writing for science, history, English, or whatever:

Prewriting: Brainstorm, research, plan, outline, thesis statement

Writing: Write first draft by starting with section II of your outline; write the introduction after the body of the paper is written; write the conclusion last.

Polishing: Revise, concentrating first on the body of the paper, then the intro, then the concl (revision = making sure ideas are logical and sequential and support your thesis); proofread (spelling, grammar, usage, etc.)

Do you have a thesis yet? Have you done your brainstorming (and maybe research) yet? Have you written an outline?

from http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/catalogue.html


Click on Step by Step for the process. Click on Info Search for help with researching.

Check in the Essay & Research Paper Level.

User Icon for Mackenzie Mackenzie answered
12 years ago

Im my english class, we have to think of that first....Its the first question on my lesson...Thank you for your help!

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
12 years ago

Surely, you have thought about this. No one here knows what you've been thinking, but if you'll write down what you think so far, I might be able to help you figure out what YOU want to say.

User Icon for Mackenzie Mackenzie answered
12 years ago

I haven't thought anything yet...I need to come up with a thesis statement first...And i can't think of one. I really didn't think this was a hard question...

User Icon for tabby tabby answered
12 years ago

Dear Mackenzie - a thesis statement is the begining of your paper. It sums up your entire argument. It also captures the reader's attention or loses it becasue it is the first thing they read. MAke your statement bold and grabbing. Back it up in your argument.

If you are pro-life - which I wholeheartedly support - give a reason for being this way. if you want, hit your reader with a statistic - somethign about how many children a year are aborted or soemthing like that.Tell us WHY do you beleive what you do. An extreme - but in my opinion, true - thesis statement could be soemthing like : Many people around the world are now agreeing to legalize murder.

Doesnt a line like that make you want to see what else the author has to say?

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
12 years ago

Excellent, tabby.

User Icon for tabby tabby answered
12 years ago

Thank you. I plan to go to college to major in journalism and get my bachelor's degree, possibly a master's.

And Mackenzie, if I can put in another word - make sure you are passionate about your subject. A lack of enthusiasm in your topic not only makes your argument seem flat and apathetic to a reader, but it also makes it harder to write. Be sure you know where you stand on your subject and why.

User Icon for Mackenzie Mackenzie answered
12 years ago

Thanks tabby. I really do know how to write an essay paper. I have done many before, and have got A's on them. I come from a family of writers, good writers. Thank you for your help once again. :) Also I'm sorry if i sound rude, i do not mean to at all.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

Coming up with a good thesis statement can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can formulate an effective statement for your essay on abortion pro-life. Here's a step-by-step process to help you develop a strong thesis:

1. Understand the topic: Start by gaining a comprehensive understanding of the pro-life stance on abortion. Research different perspectives, arguments, and reasons people support this viewpoint. This knowledge will help you develop a more informed thesis statement.

2. Identify your main argument: Determine your position on the topic and identify the main argument you wish to make in your essay. You might consider exploring the sanctity of life, the ethical implications of abortion, or the potential harm to the mother.

3. Make it concise and clear: A thesis statement should clearly convey your argument in a concise manner. Avoid vague or general statements. Instead, aim for a focused and specific thesis that can be effectively supported throughout your essay.

4. Consider the opposing view: Although you are writing from a pro-life perspective, acknowledging and addressing counterarguments can strengthen your thesis. This demonstrates an understanding of the complexity of the issue and enhances the quality of your essay.

Here's an example of a thesis statement for an essay on abortion pro-life:

"Abortion, as a violation of the sanctity of life and an ethically problematic practice, disregards the potential rights and moral standing of the fetus, and alternative options should be pursued to protect both the unborn child and the mother."

Remember, this is just an example, and you should tailor your thesis statement to reflect your specific arguments and supporting evidence. Good luck with your essay!