7. Is the following statement a fact or an opinion: Global warming is defined as an increase in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere, either by human industry and agriculture or by natural causes like the earth has experienced numerous times through its history.
8. Is the following statement a fact or an opinion: The Greenhouse effect is a warming effect caused by certain gases that retain heat from sunlight. Without such gases the earth would be below freezing. The global warming debate is centered on whether added greenhouse gases released by human activity will overheat the earth and cause harmful effects.
9. Is the following statement a fact or an opinion: The fact that this past winter in Michigan was cold and snowy has further solidified my belief that global warming is not a real thing and is a hoax created by politicians and environmentalists who are trying to target some of America’s most loved and respected industries.
please help
2 answers
9. is opinion and confuses climate and weather to boot.