7 digit number no repetition of numbers digit 5 in thousands place, greatest digit in the millions place, digit in the hundred thousands place is twice the digit in the hundreds place, digit in the hundreds place is twice the digit in the ones place, digit in the tens place is 2 less than the digit in the millions place, the value of the digit in the ten thousands place is zero, answer 985472

8 answers

What you posted as the answer is only 6 digits.

Try 9,405,271 which seems to meet all the required criteria.

These others all seem to fit the requirements:

9,805,472 (this may be what you intended to write)

Is that about all?
you are right, 9,805,472
so it's 9,405,271? I'm the Grandmother and this 5th grade work is beyond me. thank you
Well, I'd say check them, but all 4 of the ones I listed look like they work to me, based on the criteria you set out.
thanks so much :)
Hi again Julia, is there any chance the problem actually states, "a 7 digit EVEN number no repetition"?

If so, then only your first choice is correct.
yes, it does, thank you
but the 2 isn't divisible by 5?