can someone please explain to me in english how to form the passe simple, conditionnel anterieur and the futur anterieur?

User Icon for SraJMcGin SraJMcGin answered
12 years ago

Bien sûr!

1. Passé simple = For regular verbs (like travailler, finir, attendre) drop the infinitive ending (-er, -ir, -re) and add the following personal endings:
a. for all -er verbs = -ai, -as, -a, -âmes, -âtes, -èrent
b. for regular -ir and -re verbs = -is, -is, -it, -îmes, -îtes, -irent

Verbs with irregular stems in the passé simple, have the endings = s, -s, -t, -ˆmes, -ˆtes, -rent. The stems generally end in i or u. EXAMPLES: faire: je fis, tu fis, il fit, nous fîmes, vous fîtes, ils firent
boire: je bus, tu bus, il but, nous bûmes, vous bûtes, ils burent
tenir: je tins, tu tins, il tint, nous tînmes, vous tîntes, is tinrent

A list like those above:
s'asseoir = je m'assis
avoir = j'eus
boire = je bus
conduire = je conduisis
connaître = je connus
construire = je construisis
courir = je corrus
craindre = je craignis
croire = je crus
devoir = je dus
dire = je dis
écrire = j'érivis
être = je fus
faire = je fis
falloir = il fallut (il faut = Pres.)
joindre = je joignis
lire = je lus
mettre = je mis
mourir = il mourut
naêtre = je naquis
paraêtre = je parus
plaindree = je plaignis
plaire = je plus
pleuvoir = il plut
pouvoir = je pus
prendre = je pris
recevoir = je reçus
rire = je ris
savoir = je sus
suivre = je suivis
se taire = je me tus
tenir = je tins
traduire = je traduisis
valoir = je valus
venir - je vins
vire = je vécus
vir = je vis
vouloir = je voulus

NOTE: The passé simple is used iin historical and literary writing to express an action completed in the past. In conversation and informal writing, such past action is expressed by the passé cmposé.

Let me take this up after I take care of my Rescue Animals.

Sra (aka Mme)

User Icon for SraJMcGin SraJMcGin answered
12 years ago

Actually, you should meet the Future Perfect or futur antérieur first, before the Conditional Perfect or conditionnel antérieur.

The Future Perfect is used usually to describe an action that will have happened or will be finished by a specific point in the future. It is also a compound conjugation, using the future of the auxiliary verb (either avoir or être) plus the past participle of the main verb.

Like all French compound conjugations, the Future Perfect may be subject to grammatical agreement: when the auxiliary verb is être, the past participle must agree with the subject and when the auxiliary verb is avoir, the past participle may have to agree with its preceding direct object.

EXAMPLES: aimer = j'aurai aimé, tu auras aimé, il/elle/on aura aimé, nous aurons aimé, vous aurez aimé, ils/elles/auront aimé

devenir (être verb) = je serai devenu(e), tu seras devenu(e), il sera devenu/elle sera devenue/on sera devenu, nous serons devenu(e)s, vous serez devenu(e)s, ils seront devenus/elles serone devenues

A Reflexive Verb (pronominal) like se laver = je me serai lavé(e), etc.

In forming the negative or interrogative of compound tenses, only the auxiliar verb is affected. EXAMPLES. nous n'aurons pas travaillé/ ne se seront-elles pas amusées?

The Conditional Perfectis used to express an action that you would have done, if something else had been possible so it is often used in a "si" clause. (which uses the imperfect)
EXAMPLE: j'aurais fait le travail si j'avais étudié / serait-elle partie?

If you need more about the agreement of the Past Participle, let me know. Also, if you need something on irregular past participles, let me know.

Sra (aka Mme)

User Icon for Rebecca Rebecca answered
12 years ago

thank you so much, that really helped :)

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

Certainly! I'd be happy to explain how to form the passé simple, conditionnel antérieur, and futur antérieur verb tenses in English.

1. Passé Simple:
The passé simple is a French verb tense used primarily in literature and formal writing to express actions that occurred in the past. To form the passé simple, follow these steps:

- Identify the verb stem: This is usually the infinitive form of the verb without the -er, -ir, or -re endings. For example, the verb "parler" becomes "parl-".

- Add the appropriate endings: The passé simple endings differ depending on the verb group (-er, -ir, or -re).

- For -er verbs: Add the endings -ai, -as, -a, -âmes, -âtes, -èrent.
- For -ir verbs: Add the endings -is, -is, -it, -îmes, -îtes, -irent.
- For -re verbs: Add the endings -is, -is, -it, -îmes, -îtes, -irent.

For example, the verb "parler" (to speak) in the passé simple would be conjugated as "parlai, parlas, parla, parlâmes, parlâtes, parlèrent".

2. Conditionnel Antérieur:
The conditionnel antérieur is a compound verb tense used to express hypothetical actions that would have taken place before another past action. To form the conditionnel antérieur, follow these steps:

- Use the conditional of the auxiliary verb "avoir" or "être" (depending on the main verb) as the helping verb. For example, "j'aurais" (I would have) or "j'aurais été" (I would have been).

- Attach the past participle of the main verb to the helping verb. The past participle is the same form used in the passé composé. For regular verbs, add -é to the verb stem (-er) or -i to the verb stem (-ir, -re).

For example, the verb "manger" (to eat) in the conditionnel antérieur would be conjugated as "j'aurais mangé" (I would have eaten).

3. Futur Antérieur:
The futur antérieur is a compound verb tense used to express actions that will have happened before another future action. To form the futur antérieur, follow these steps:

- Use the future of the auxiliary verb "avoir" or "être" (depending on the main verb) as the helping verb. For example, "j'aurai" (I will have) or "je serai" (I will have been).

- Attach the past participle of the main verb to the helping verb, similar to the conditionnel antérieur.

For example, the verb "finir" (to finish) in the futur antérieur would be conjugated as "j'aurai fini" (I will have finished).

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to form the passé simple, conditionnel antérieur, and futur antérieur verb tenses!