5.punctuating sentences- Wiithout a doubt, cramming for the test.
Answer - Without a doubt cramming for a test is stressful, when it is done at the last minute.
6. Same - He took the curvr too sharply, it caused and accident.
Answer: He took the curve too sharply, and it caused an accident.
17. Inclusive Language-Talking about people with disabilities and Disease.
Answer: The visually impaired people were downtown for a national conference.
19. Inclusive language-quoting from biased material - The mayors and their wives were invited on a tour of the state buildings.
answer: The mayors[sic] and their wives were invited on a tour of the state buildings.
20. same as above - Back in the 1400s, the laws governing the people were quite specific: "All men shall tithe 10% to the church and pay taxes every six months. All men can attend school unitl they are 16 years of age."
Answer: Back in the 1400's, the laws governing the people [sic] were quite specific, all men shall tithe 10% to the church and pay taxes every six months. All men can attend school unit they are 16 year of age.
4 answers
#6 instead of the "comma and", I would put a semi-colon after "sharply".
# 17 I would put the sentence this way.
The people downtown were attending a conference for the visually impaired.
#19... you are implying that there are no female mayors. What about "the mayors and their partners"
#20 .... I would keep the quotations marks around the quote. Still use the comma after "specific"
Answer: The mayors and their wives[sic] were invited on a tour of the state buildings.
#8 Punctuation- colon - Studing is exciting: find something about the subject that interests you, and resolve to become an expert.
Answer: No change