Choose three items from the list below. Define your three chosen errors. Write two sample sentences for each choice: one that demonstrates the error and one that corrects the error. In a paragraph, describe how you plan to improve these areas in your writing during this class.

Run-on Sentence
Subject-Verb Agreement
Sentence Fragment
Subject-Pronoun Agreement
Confused Word Errors

User Icon for SraJMcGin SraJMcGin answered
16 years ago

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. This has very clear directions. After you do your part, we will be happy to HELP you; it's just that we do not DO your work for you.

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
16 years ago

Here are some explanations. Then, as SraJMcGin said, you may post what you write, and we will be happy to help you, give you feedback, etc.


User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

I have chosen the following three errors: Run-on Sentence, Subject-Verb Agreement, and Confused Word Errors. Here are two sample sentences for each error, one demonstrating the error and one correcting it:

1. Run-on Sentence:
- Error: I woke up late this morning I was rushing to get ready for work.
- Correction: I woke up late this morning, so I was rushing to get ready for work.

- Error: She loves to read books she can spend hours in the library.
- Correction: She loves to read books; she can spend hours in the library.

2. Subject-Verb Agreement:
- Error: The dog chase the cat yesterday.
- Correction: The dog chased the cat yesterday.

- Error: John and Mark wants to go to the party tonight.
- Correction: John and Mark want to go to the party tonight.

3. Confused Word Errors:
- Error: I feel bored when I have nothing to do.
- Correction: I feel boring when I have nothing to do.

- Error: The new employees were orientating on their first day.
- Correction: The new employees were orienting on their first day.

In this class, I plan to improve these areas in my writing by focusing on the following strategies:

1. Run-on Sentence: I will practice using appropriate punctuation marks, such as commas and semicolons, to separate independent clauses and avoid run-on sentences. I will also ensure that each independent clause contains a complete thought.

2. Subject-Verb Agreement: I will pay careful attention to the subject and verb in my sentences, making sure they agree in number and tense. I will also review grammar rules and practice identifying and correcting any errors related to subject-verb agreement.

3. Confused Word Errors: To avoid confused word errors, I will conduct thorough proofreading of my work to identify words that might be easily confused with similar-sounding or similar-looking words. I will also consult dictionaries or grammar resources to clarify the correct usage of particular words.

By actively applying these strategies, seeking feedback from instructors or peers, and regularly practicing writing exercises, I aim to strengthen my skills in these areas and produce clearer and more effective writing throughout the class.