44. Me gusta mucho el helado. Siempre lo ____ de postre.

a. pide
b. pido
c. pides
d. pedir

45. Me gusta leer. Por eso ________ saco libros de la biblioteca.
a. a menudo
b. mucho tiempo
c. una vez
d. punctualmente

46. Compraron los churros que los estudiantes ______.
a. las vendimos
b. les venden
c. van a vender
d. vendieron
Not sure

48. El sótano está _____ del primer piso.
a. debajo
b. detrás
c. delante
d. lejos


5 answers

49. Marta y Joaquin _____ chile con carne a la fiesta.
a. traigo
b. traen
c. traes
d. traemos

50. A mí y a Raul _______ sirven el plato principal.
a. me
b. te
c. le
d. nos

52. "¿Tienes que reciclar ____ en tu comunidad?"
"Sí, lo tengo que reciclar."
a. el cartón
b. las latas
c. las botellas de plastico
d. los periódicos
Not sure..all the choices seem to fit?

53. Abuelita ____ que debemos apagar las luces para conversar energía
a. digo
b. decimos
c. dice
d. dicen
B? Not sure..
55. "¿Sabes a cuántas cuadras de aquí queda el correo?"
"Sí, lo _______
a. sé
b. sabes
c. sabemos
d. sabéis
Back up! Have you done the "steps" which are: 1) look at the Spanish 2) translate into English 3) answer FIRST in English 4) write the Spanish 5) No look at the answer to see if it will elicit the question. NO SHORT CUTS FOR YOU. This is because you have difficulty selecting the correct answer to a question. Let's take no 4445. .
1. Me gusta mucho el helado. Siempre lo ____ de postre.
2. I like icecream a lot. Always ..?..it as dessert.
ABCD: 1. a. pide
b. pido
c. pides
d. pedir
2. he asks, I ask, you ask, to ask for
3. I always ask for (order) it as dessert.
4. Now, surely you can do it?

45. sí
46. Why are you NOT sure? Look at the subject: los estudiantes = ellos. What form of the verb goes with 3rd person plural? Try again .

48. sí
49. Look at the PLURAL subject = Martra y Joaquín = ellos. You selected the verb going with tú. Try again.

50. sí
52. At first glance it SEEMS all fit. Now look at the direct object "lo" which gives you the number and gender of the noun. Try again.

53. No. Now look carefully at the punctuation. Is Abuela the subject? YES. If we were talking TO HER the punctuation would have been: "Abuelita, nosotros........." Try again!

55. sí

It's a bit discouraging for me to see that you are making the SAME errors we have gone over. What do you think?

Good Grief = look at how long I have waited for you! From 12:40 and now it's 8:30.

44. b; 45. a; 46. b; 48. a;
49. b; 50. d; 52. a.; 53. c; 55. a;