i need to write about what my future partner will be like i need to use future tense and negative tense any help id appreciate thankyou! :}

User Icon for SraJMcGin SraJMcGin answered
14 years ago

Simplifly what you are saying. Use the vocabulary and structures that you have mastered in class, or at least studied well.

How may we help you? Do you know how to form the Future tense, including the irregulars?

Do you know how to form the negative? You can make any tense negative.

Future Tense: 1. The future is formed by adding the personal endings to the infinitive. In -re verbs, the final e is dropped before the en dings are added.
2. The endings for all verbs are related to the present tense of avoir: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont
3. Some verbs have an irregular stem in the future (and in the condtional)
aller = j 'irai
s'asseoir = je m'assiérai
avoir = j'aurai
courir = je courrai
devoir = je devrai
envoyer = j'enverrai
faire = je ferai
falloir = il faudra
mourir = je mourrai
pleuvoir = il pleuvra
pouvoir = je pourrai
savoir = je saurai
tenir = je tiendrai
valoir = je vaudrai
venir = je viendrai
voir je verrai
voulour = je voudrai

Negatives: 1. In simple tenses, ne precedes the verb and pronoun objects, and the 2nd part of the negative follows the verb (or the subject pronoun in interrogative word order).
Je ne lirai pas le livre
Ne liras-tu pas le livre?
2. other negatives:
ne...pas du tout
ne...aucun (aucune)
ne...nul (nulle)

Now, write your essay and feel free to post it here for proofreading.

Sra (aka Mme)
être = je serai