Fill in the blank with a correct expression with tener to express the following.
She is hot. Ella ________.
Answer: ella tienen calor
Fill in the blank with a correct expression with tener to express the following.
She is cold. Ella ________.
Answer: ella tienen frío
Fill in the blank with a correct expression with tener to express the following.
She is in a hurry. Ella ________.
Answer: ella tiene prisa
Fill in the blank with a correct expression with tener to express the following.
I feel like drawing. Yo ________.
Answer: yo ganas de dibujar
Fill in the blank to express the following using the familiar/informal "you."
I would like to play tennis with you.
Me gustaría jugar al tenis ______.
Answer: me gustaria jugar al tenis contigo
Fill in the blank to express the following.
Would you like to play tennis with me?
¿Te gustaría jugar al tenis _______?
Answer: te gustaria jugar al tenis conmigo
Fill in the blank to express the following.
They would like to play tennis with him.
Les gustaría jugar al tenis con ______.
Answer: les gustaria jugar al tenis con el
Fill in the blank to express the following.
He would like to play tennis with them. Le gustaría jugar al tenis con ______.
Answer: le gustaria jugar al tenis con ellos
Thank you.
4 answers
yo tengo
tú tienes
él/ella/usted (Ud.) tiene
nosotros/nosotras tenemos
vosotros/vosotras tenéis (IF IT'S IN YOUR BOOK)
ellos/ellas/ustedes(Uds.) tienen
4. Ella tiene calor.
5. Ella tiene frío.
6. correct!
7. Yo tengo ganas (you forgot the verb!)
8. correct EXCEPT for capitalizing the first word and putting the necessary accent mark on the verb "gustaría"
9. Just copy the 1st 2 words of the question! (capitalization & accent)
10. first word, verb AND el means the while él means he/him. The word is considered totally wrong if a necessary accent is missing!
11. correct first 2 words.