4. Explain the data you will want to collect on your mission, and list the

instruments you’ll need so that you can collect and store samples while on
your mission. Describe how any collected data will be used when you return
from your mission. (3 points)

My planet I chose to go to is Mars. I'm having trouble finding what materials I need to collect data.

5 answers

google the Curiosity Rover
I am doing mars to. I will give you answers if you gove me the answer to this. Okay.
Question#2- Identify any challenging conditions that you may encounter on your mission; this may include near-vacuum conditions, extreme temperatures, cosmic radiation, and microgravity. Explain how you will overcome these challenges with the design of your spacecraft.

Answer#2- Hey, in orbit there is no air around you and therefore no air pressure. You must maintain approximately atmospheric pressure inside if manned. If unmanned, you still must make sure nothing blows up when the outside pressure goes to zero.
There is no nice layer of air to insulate you from the sun or to slow radiation from you into space if in the shade (behind a planet or on the side of your system away from the sun) Therefore the side facing the sun will get lots of infrared radiation and the side away will get very cold. Equipment will swell or shrink and boil or freeze.
In orbit your centripetal acceleration balances your gravitational attraction so net effect is weightless. There is no "down". Everything must be secured or it will drift around.
sorry I was just giveing an answer for no answer.
Tech Specs
Main Job - Collect and store a compelling set of rock and soil samples that could be returned to earth in the future.
Witness Tubes - 5 tubes
Sample Containers - 43 containers
Samples to be collected - at least 20 samples

the answer that you need for #4
meep meep- TwT