4. Explain the data you will want to collect on your mission, and list the instruments that you’ll need so that you can collect and store samples while on your mission. Describe how any collected data will be used when you return from your mission.
3 points
5. Identify the benefits that your space mission might provide for modern society. Explore the possibility of connecting your space mission with satellites that are already gathering information as they orbit Earth.
3 points
16 answers
What space mission? What is this lesson about? What have you learned in class about space missions and the collection of data? What does your text say about this?
it a project and its about a spacecraft going to the moon #4 like would i need mmy instruments umm maybe like titanum almuinum metal etc.stuff like that?And #5 does it mean like what would the people in earth would like to know? IDK BUT ITS HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!! here is the whole assignment:
1. Read an article, and use the article to jump-start your thinking about designing your very
own space mission. Think about what you want to explore in the solar system (and why!)
and how you might get there. Click on the link below to read the Science NetLinks article
“Planning My Own Mission.”
Planning My Own Mission
2. When you have a sense of where your mission will take you, revisit the Make a Mission:
Build a Spacecraft to Explore the Planet Mercury interactive to get a sense of how NASA
designs spacecraft for specific missions. Use the interactive to help you determine which
kind of vehicle you will need to complete your space mission. (Note: the interactive was
designed to explore the planet Mercury; you can simply use the interactive to collect
information about different vehicles and their components.) Once in the interactive, click
on the How to Play button for information on how to navigate through the interactive.
Click on the link below to view the Make a Mission: Build a Spacecraft to Explore the
Planet Mercury interactive from the Science NetLinks website.
Make a Mission: Build a Spacecraft to Explore the Planet Mercury
3. Develop a simple outline of your planned space mission, and review it with your
Learning Coach to ensure you have taken enough time to adequately plan your mission.
When your Learning Coach has approved your outline, complete the activities below.
1. Explain where your space mission will take you and why you wish to explore that
particular feature of the solar system. List what you hope to learn from your mission. 3 points
2. Identify any challenging conditions that you may encounter on your mission; this may
include near vacuum conditions, extreme temperatures, and microgravity. Explain how
you will overcome these challenges with the design of your spacecraft.
3 points
© 2013 Connections Education LLC. All rights reserved. © 2013 Connections Education LLC. All rights reserved.
3. Design: Describe, using specific details, the spacecraft that you and/or other explorers will use
to travel to your destination. In addition, make a detailed sketch of the spacecraft and its
components that you will submit to your teacher for grading. You may create a sketch by hand
and photograph it or create a digital sketch using appropriate software.
3 points
Sketch: 5 points
4. Explain the data you will want to collect on your mission, and list the instruments that you’ll need
so that you can collect and store samples while on your mission. Describe how any collected
data will be used when you return from your mission.
3 points
5. Identify the benefits that your space mission might provide for modern society. Explore the
possibility of connecting your space mission with satellites that are already gathering information
as they orbit Earth.
1. Read an article, and use the article to jump-start your thinking about designing your very
own space mission. Think about what you want to explore in the solar system (and why!)
and how you might get there. Click on the link below to read the Science NetLinks article
“Planning My Own Mission.”
Planning My Own Mission
2. When you have a sense of where your mission will take you, revisit the Make a Mission:
Build a Spacecraft to Explore the Planet Mercury interactive to get a sense of how NASA
designs spacecraft for specific missions. Use the interactive to help you determine which
kind of vehicle you will need to complete your space mission. (Note: the interactive was
designed to explore the planet Mercury; you can simply use the interactive to collect
information about different vehicles and their components.) Once in the interactive, click
on the How to Play button for information on how to navigate through the interactive.
Click on the link below to view the Make a Mission: Build a Spacecraft to Explore the
Planet Mercury interactive from the Science NetLinks website.
Make a Mission: Build a Spacecraft to Explore the Planet Mercury
3. Develop a simple outline of your planned space mission, and review it with your
Learning Coach to ensure you have taken enough time to adequately plan your mission.
When your Learning Coach has approved your outline, complete the activities below.
1. Explain where your space mission will take you and why you wish to explore that
particular feature of the solar system. List what you hope to learn from your mission. 3 points
2. Identify any challenging conditions that you may encounter on your mission; this may
include near vacuum conditions, extreme temperatures, and microgravity. Explain how
you will overcome these challenges with the design of your spacecraft.
3 points
© 2013 Connections Education LLC. All rights reserved. © 2013 Connections Education LLC. All rights reserved.
3. Design: Describe, using specific details, the spacecraft that you and/or other explorers will use
to travel to your destination. In addition, make a detailed sketch of the spacecraft and its
components that you will submit to your teacher for grading. You may create a sketch by hand
and photograph it or create a digital sketch using appropriate software.
3 points
Sketch: 5 points
4. Explain the data you will want to collect on your mission, and list the instruments that you’ll need
so that you can collect and store samples while on your mission. Describe how any collected
data will be used when you return from your mission.
3 points
5. Identify the benefits that your space mission might provide for modern society. Explore the
possibility of connecting your space mission with satellites that are already gathering information
as they orbit Earth.
thank u
bruh its so easy just read the articles
SSMMHHHHHHH bruh u literally copied and pasted a connections lesson! you know you can get kicked out right??????
why are yall being so rude
ok LQxs MTH they obviouly dont care
Stop being rude guys btw you cant get kicked out because they dont know who you are because everyone has that lesson including me its soo hard i dont understand it either
me too bro
does anybody know what the answers are?
This is a portfolio, there's not one correct way to do this. I myself am confused as well but there's many different ways you can do this
i dont even know where the articles are and it doesn't tell me either
i already finished
T^T help....pls..
I'm hella late but, It doesn't see much difficult and it isn't. You listening in classes? Chemistry isn't hard unless you have something else other then chemistry.