35 divided by [9 plus (9-7) minus 4]
plus 10 times 3..can someone please
explain how to do this problem
math - Evan, Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at 8:37pm
think of "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally"
P is for paranthesis first
E is for exponents
M and D are for multiply and divide, they go in order as whatever comes first from left to right whether its multiply or divide
A and S are for adding and subtracting. same as with multiply and divide they go in the order they appear on the problem
from left to right
math - danny, Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at
I know that I just don't know how to
break it down or the answer.
must be beyond me the teacher gave it
to us for homework for extra credit
and we never did anything like it