To compare the numbers 654,987,034; 645,897,430; and 546,789,340 using scientific notation, we'll convert them to that format.
654,987,034: \[ 654,987,034 = 6.54987034 \times 10^8 \]
645,897,430: \[ 645,897,430 = 6.45897430 \times 10^8 \]
546,789,340: \[ 546,789,340 = 5.46789340 \times 10^8 \]
Now, we compare the coefficients (the numbers in front of \( 10^8 \)), since they all share the same exponent.
- \( 6.54987034 \) (from 654,987,034)
- \( 6.45897430 \) (from 645,897,430)
- \( 5.46789340 \) (from 546,789,340)
Among the coefficients, \( 6.54987034 \) is the largest.
Thus, the number with the greatest value is:
654,987,034, which in scientific notation is:
\[ \boxed{6.54987034 \times 10^8} \]