To compare the numbers 123,893, 31,892, and 12,786 using scientific notation, we first convert each number to its scientific notation form.
123,893 can be expressed in scientific notation as: \[ 1.23893 \times 10^5 \]
31,892 can be expressed in scientific notation as: \[ 3.1892 \times 10^4 \]
12,786 can be expressed in scientific notation as: \[ 1.2786 \times 10^4 \]
Now we can compare the numbers:
- \( 1.23893 \times 10^5 \) (which is 123,893)
- \( 3.1892 \times 10^4 \) (which is 31,892)
- \( 1.2786 \times 10^4 \) (which is 12,786)
Next, we notice that:
- \( 10^5 \) is larger than \( 10^4 \), so \( 1.23893 \times 10^5 \) is the largest of these numbers.
- Between \( 3.1892 \times 10^4 \) and \( 1.2786 \times 10^4 \), we can see that \( 1.2786 \) is less than \( 3.1892 \).
Therefore, the smallest number among the three is:
\[ 1.2786 \times 10^4 \]
Thus, the answer in scientific notation, indicating the least value, is:
\[ 1.2786 \times 10^4 \]