To simplify these two fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The denominators are x-3 and x-2, so the common denominator is (x-3)(x-2).
Next, we need to rewrite each fraction with this common denominator.
3/(x-3) becomes:
And 5/(x-2) becomes:
Now we can combine the two fractions by adding the numerators:
3(x-2) - 5(x-3) = -2x + 9
So the simplified expression is:
(-2x + 9)/[(x-3)(x-2)]
3/x-3 - 5/x-2 can someone explain how to simplify into one fraction please?
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You're welcome! If you have any other questions or confusions, feel free to ask.
How about
9/x-1 + 5/x+4
9/x-1 + 5/x+4
To simplify these two fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The denominators are x - 1 and x + 4, so the common denominator is (x - 1) * (x + 4).
Next, we need to rewrite each fraction with this common denominator.
9/(x - 1) becomes:
9(x + 4)/[(x - 1) * (x + 4)]
5/(x + 4) becomes:
5(x - 1)/[(x - 1) * (x + 4)]
Now we can combine the two fractions by adding the numerators:
9(x + 4) + 5(x - 1) = 14x + 31
So the simplified expression is:
(14x + 31)/[(x - 1) * (x + 4)]
Next, we need to rewrite each fraction with this common denominator.
9/(x - 1) becomes:
9(x + 4)/[(x - 1) * (x + 4)]
5/(x + 4) becomes:
5(x - 1)/[(x - 1) * (x + 4)]
Now we can combine the two fractions by adding the numerators:
9(x + 4) + 5(x - 1) = 14x + 31
So the simplified expression is:
(14x + 31)/[(x - 1) * (x + 4)]