3. Fish have a two chambered heart called a single loop. discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this system.

4. Amphibians have a three chambered heart. Discuss the importance of the extra chamber in terms of the obvious physical differences that amphibians like frogs have from fish.
5. Reptiles and mammals both have a four chambered heart yet reptiles utilize the sun to monitor body temperature while mammals control body temperature internally. What does this mean about the separation of oxygenated (blood that already picked up oxygen from the lungs) and deoxygenated blood (blood that has already visited the mitochondria and donated its oxygen to Cell Resp) in each type of animals heart?
6. Dinosaurs were reptiles that grew to enormous sizes. What may an evolutionist hypothesize about the oxygen content of the environment during the age of dinosaurs?

3 answers

You can easily do this by using a biology textbook or searching it on google.
they don't let us keep the textbooks
i tryed google