How can I find the key passages in the short story Marigolds, to develop the theme of the story. I have to use quotes from the key passages I choose...not sure what to do here. What are key passages?


6 answers

What do you think is the theme of this story?

Which passages lead you to believe that?
MC.... the marigolds, to ME, represent joy, nature at its best, hope. They make me smile.

Those Lizabeth saw them as the anthesis of her dad's tears. How could there be joy in the world when her dad was crying.
Now look at the story from that point of view and see what you find.
OK, what if I say the theme is losing your childish innocence or something along those lines and I can support this by writing what Lizabeth says in the end of the story, when she sees Ms.Lottie's reaction..
Would that be alright?

What do you think Lizabeth "felt" when she say Lottie's tears?

This story is about feeling not thinking.