please help me to do my assignment 1.describe my business? (I choose restaurent business? 2.iedntify 1 contract required for this business ?Describe the use and importanceof this contract to my nominated business 3.identify and explain the elements of this valid contracti.e intention, an offer,acceptence ,consideration,consent, legality of purpose? 4,Summarise the terms of this agreement 5.describe the conditions under which this aggrement could be discharge 6.explain in brief that the rights and obligations within this contract as a business please answer to this questions as soon as possible ?I would be very grateful 4

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
15 years ago

Please understand that no one here will write up your assignment for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

Please post what you think.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
14 years ago

duplicating machine

stapler perforateretc

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

Name the factors setting, and characters in this story

“Run!” Hornson cried again as he slipped round a sharp stone corner, the shadow close behind. The Obisan looked behind to see that the two trasnos were gone, “Darn!”
Hornson hurried round another corner as a shadowy tentacle nearly missed him, seizing the Vanusan dwarf guard who was running alongside him on stubby legs, his large belly bouncing.
“Shoot!” The dwarf cried as he vanished into the cloud of shadow, from which Tagdaor’s red glowing eyes could be seen.
Hornson sped up, but by now his legs were aching miserably, his heart throbbed, his muscles were sore and his lungs burned. He could hardly believe that he had managed to survive this far, but the dwarves were probably being pulled in for him, but he was having a problem. He was nearly out of fat dwarves.
Another dwarf sailed into the darkness with a cry, when Hornson rushed about the corner and crashed into Lilia who had somehow managed to get there. Lilia shrieked and fell to the ground, the shadowy arms forgot the Obisan and went after the Komesan, a tentacle wrapped its shadowy figure about her foot, dragging her towards the darkness.
“No!” Hornson cried out, he seized her by the arms, she was screaming, as Hornson and the shadow played tug-of-war, “Ya are not dying yet!”
Then Dozig appeared he seized both of the woman’s arms and shoved Hornson aside, using his insane trasnos strength he began to pull, till the woman’s arms began to crack. She screamed, wrist bones breaking.
Dozig roared in frustration blowing his bad breath into her face, she began to cough. She could hardly breathe. Hornson now managed to

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

settle his breathing, and he could see that his companions were surrounding the shadowy figure. The setting seemed to be in a dark and treacherous place, possibly a maze-like environment. The characters are Hornson, the vanusan dwarf guard, Tagdaor, the trasnos, Lilia, and Dozig.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

Please name the factors

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

It seems the prompt was cut off before the factors were mentioned. Without further information, it is impossible to determine what factors are being referred to. Please provide more context or a complete prompt.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

Well can you tell me what is happening in the story?

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

In the story, Hornson and his companions are being pursued by a shadowy figure, which has already captured two of their group, the vanusan dwarf guard and Komesan, and is now trying to seize Lilia. Hornson manages to save her by pulling her away from the shadowy figure, but then Dozig appears and uses his strength to pull on her arms until her wrist bones break. The setting is dark and treacherous, possibly a maze-like environment.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

What can be said about Hornons?

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

From the story, we can infer that Hornson is a quick thinker who is able to adapt to a dangerous situation. He is also physically fit, as evidenced by his ability to outrun the shadowy figure chasing him and his group. Additionally, Hornson is determined to protect his companions, as seen when he tries to save Lilia from the shadowy figure.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

What cna be said about Dozig in ten parahapsgs.

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Dozig is a character in the story who displays a unique set of traits and characteristics. Here are ten paragraphs that describe Dozig in more detail:

1. Dozig is a trasnos, a species known for their incredible strength and ferocity. As a result, Dozig is physically imposing and intimidating, with a muscular build and sharp teeth.

2. Dozig has bad breath, which he seemingly does not take much care to remedy. This detail suggests that he may not place much importance on his personal hygiene, or that his species has different standards of hygiene than humans.

3. Despite his fearsome appearance, Dozig seems to have a softer side when it comes to Lilia. When she is in danger, he steps in to try to save her.

4. However, Dozig's approach to saving Lilia is extreme. Rather than using a more gentle approach, he forcefully pulls on her arms until her wrists break. This suggests that Dozig may act impulsively and without thinking things through fully.

5. In addition, Dozig becomes frustrated when he is unable to save Lilia and roars in frustration. This detail suggests that he may have a temper or a tendency to react emotionally.

6. Dozig's extreme approach to saving Lilia could also be seen as a reflection of his culture or species. Trasnos are known for their aggression, so perhaps their approach to problem-solving is simply more forceful than that of other species in this world.

7. It can be inferred from the story that Dozig is likely a member of Hornson's group or at least a temporary ally. This suggests that he may have formed a tentative bond with Hornson and the others, possibly based on their shared experiences or a sense of mutual danger.

8. However, it is unclear whether Dozig is trustworthy or not. His extreme actions and unpredictable behavior could make him a liability in a high-pressure situation.

9. Interestingly, Dozig's name is similar to the word "dozen," which could be a nod to his incredible strength. It is not clear whether this is intentional or simply a coincidence.

10. Lastly, while Dozig is not the main character of the story, his appearance adds depth and complexity to the world that the author has created. Through Dozig, readers can see how different species may have their own unique cultures and approaches to problem-solving, which adds richness to the story world.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

explain what you mean by 'dozen'

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

By mentioning that Dozig's name is similar to the word "dozen," I was referring to the fact that the sound of his name is reminiscent of the sound of the word "dozen." "Dozen" refers to a quantity of twelve, and it is a common word that we use in everyday speech and writing. It is possible that the author chose the name "Dozig" because of its association with the word "dozen," and because the character is described as incredibly strong, as if he has the strength of twelve individuals.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

What about Lilia ten paragpsahs.

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Lilia is a character in the story who plays a significant role in the plot. Here are ten paragraphs that describe Lilia in more detail:

1. Lilia is introduced as a member of Hornson's group, who are being pursued by a shadowy figure. From the story, we can infer that Lilia is a brave and adventurous person since she has chosen to join Hornson on a perilous journey.

2. When Lilia becomes trapped by the shadowy figure, she reacts with fear and screams for help. This detail suggests that Lilia may be less physically capable than some of the other characters in the story, or that she is not used to high-pressure situations.

3. Despite her fear, Lilia is determined to escape the shadowy figure's grasp. When Hornson tries to pull her away, she is described as "screaming" and resisting the shadowy figure's pull. This suggests that Lilia has a strong will and is not easily defeated.

4. Unfortunately, Lilia's determination is not enough to save her from harm. When Dozig pulls on her arms, her wrist bones break, and she begins to cough. This detail suggests that Lilia is physically fragile, and that she is susceptible to injury.

5. Lilia's injury could also be seen as a reflection of her vulnerability. In contrast to Hornson, who has managed to survive this far on his own, Lilia appears to be more dependent on others for her survival.

6. Despite her vulnerability, Lilia is a valuable member of the group. Her presence adds diversity to the group, and her perspective on the situation may be different from that of the other characters.

7. It is not clear whether Lilia is a human or a member of another species. This ambiguity adds to the mystery of the story world and suggests that the author has created a complex and diverse cast of characters.

8. Interestingly, Lilia's name is similar to the word "lily," which is a flower known for its beauty and fragility. This similarity could be intentional, and may suggest that Lilia is meant to be seen as vulnerable and delicate, like a flower.

9. Through Lilia's injury, the story raises questions about the value of physical strength versus other forms of strength like intelligence, bravery, and determination. Lilia may be physically weaker than some of the other characters, but she still has value and worth as a member of the group.

10. Lastly, while Lilia is not the main character of the story, her presence adds depth and complexity to the world that the author has created. Through Lilia, readers gain insight into the social dynamics of the group, and they are reminded that vulnerability and strength can take many different forms.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

And Hornson? 10 paragpash.

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

Hornson is a central character in the story and plays a crucial role in the plot. Here are ten paragraphs that describe Hornson in more detail:

1. Hornson is introduced as a member of a group who are being pursued by a shadowy figure. From the story, we can infer that Hornson is a quick thinker and an experienced adventurer since he is able to outrun the shadowy figure and keep his group safe.

2. Hornson's physical fitness is an asset to the group in their perilous journey. He is described as having "muscles" and "fitting" legs that allow him to move quickly and outmaneuver the shadowy figure.

3. Hornson's quick thinking is also demonstrated when he tries to pull Lilia away from the shadowy figure. He is described as being determined to save her, and he refuses to back down in the face of danger.

4. Hornson's resourcefulness is further demonstrated when he realizes that he is running out of "fat dwarves" to use to distract the shadowy figure. This detail suggests that Hornson is not only physically fit but also intelligent and creative.

5. Hornson's determination to protect his companions is evident throughout the story. He is willing to put himself in danger to save others, as seen when he rushes to Lilia's aid, and he seems to take his role as a leader seriously.

6. Hornson is described as having a "throbbing" heart and "burning" lungs, which suggests that he is not invincible. This detail makes him a more relatable and human character and adds to the tension of the story.

7. While Hornson is a strong and capable character, he is not without flaws. His reliance on "fat dwarves" as a distraction could be seen as callous or exploitative, and his quick thinking could sometimes lead him to act impulsively.

8. Hornson's role as a leader is not a given, but rather something that he has earned through his actions. This detail suggests that leadership is not necessarily tied to physical strength or status, but rather to competence and character.

9. Through Hornson's character, the story explores themes of bravery, resourcefulness, and leadership. His actions show that it is possible to rise to the occasion in times of danger and to exhibit qualities of leadership and heroism.

10. Lastly, Hornson is a complex and dynamic character who adds depth and richness to the story world. Through his character, the reader gains insight into the social dynamics of the group, and they are reminded that heroism can take many different forms.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

And lastyl the fat dwarves?

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

The vanusan dwarf guards are characters mentioned in the story as being used as a distraction for the shadowy figure pursuing Hornson and his group. Here are ten paragraphs that describe the vanusan dwarf guards, also known as the "fat dwarves," in more detail:

1. The vanusan dwarf guards are described as having "stubby legs" and "large bellies that bounce" as they run. This detail suggests that they are not physically fit and may not be able to keep up with the other members of the group.

2. Despite their physical limitations, the vanusan dwarf guards are still valuable members of the group. They are used as a distraction for the shadowy figure, and their large size is apparently appealing to the shadowy figure.

3. The use of the vanusan dwarf guards as a distraction raises questions about the value of individuals in a crisis. While the fat dwarves may be less physically capable than other members of the group, they are still able to contribute in a meaningful way.

4. Interestingly, the vanusan dwarf guards are not named individually in the story. They are simply referred to as a group of "fat dwarves" who are being used as a distraction.

5. The use of "fat dwarves" as a distraction could be seen as humorous or even offensive to some readers. However, it is important to remember that the story is a work of fiction and should be seen in the context of the story world.

6. The vanusan dwarf guards are apparently quite effective as a distraction, as the shadowy figure seems to be distracted by them enough to allow Hornson and his group to escape.

7. The use of the vanusan dwarf guards as a distraction could also be seen as a commentary on the nature of sacrifice in a crisis situation. The fat dwarves are sacrificed to save the other members of the group, which raises questions about the value of individual lives versus the greater good.

8. While the vanusan dwarf guards do not play a major role in the story, their presence adds depth and complexity to the world that the author has created. Through them, the reader gains insight into the social dynamics of the group and can see how different members contribute in their own unique ways.

9. The use of the term "fat dwarves" to describe the guards could be seen as a stereotypical or offensive characterization of dwarves. However, it is important to remember that the story world is a work of fiction, and these characters should be seen in the context of this world.

10. Lastly, the role of the vanusan dwarf guards in the story raises important questions about the value of different types of skills and abilities in a crisis situation. While physical strength may be important, there are other skills that can be just as valuable in a dangerous situation.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

What of the shadow?

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

The shadowy figure is a mysterious and dangerous entity that pursues Hornson and his group throughout the story. Here are ten paragraphs that describe the shadowy figure in more detail:

1. The shadowy figure is described as having "red glowing eyes," which suggests that it may not be a natural entity. This detail adds to the ominous and eerie nature of the shadowy figure.

2. The shadowy figure seems to be able to move quickly and gracefully, as seen when it is able to chase after the members of Hornson's group.

3. The shadowy figure uses tentacles to capture and pull its victims into the darkness. This detail suggests that the shadowy figure may be some type of supernatural or otherworldly creature.

4. When the shadowy figure captures a victim, they disappear into a "cloud of shadow." This detail adds to the sense of mystery and danger surrounding the shadowy figure.

5. The shadowy figure seems to be attracted to "fat dwarves," which suggests that it may have some type of preference or weakness for this particular species.

6. The shadowy figure is not given a name or any defining characteristics beyond its red glowing eyes, tentacles, and ability to disappear into a "cloud of shadow." This aspect of the story adds to the sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding the shadowy figure.

7. It is not clear what motivates the shadowy figure to pursue Hornson and his group. This detail adds to the sense of danger and unpredictability surrounding the shadowy figure.

8. The shadowy figure could be interpreted as a metaphor for some type of unseen danger or threat in the world. It may represent the fear of the unknown or the fear of what lies in the darkness.

9. The shadowy figure adds a sense of tension and danger to the story world, as Hornson and his group are constantly on the run from this mysterious entity.

10. Lastly, while the shadowy figure is not given much characterization in the story, its presence is a key element of the plot. Through the shadowy figure, the reader is reminded that danger can lurk around any corner and that there are unknown forces in the world that we may not be able to understand or anticipate.

User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago

gracias mi amigo

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

De nada, es un placer ayudar.