
A) How was Sudan’s food influenced by Arabs? (1 point)
A. Pigeon peas are eaten on traditional holidays.
B. Spices were introduced by Arab traders.
C. Shea butter is used to protect mud buildings.
D. Fish was introduced by Arab traders.
A) Which response correctly identifies one way England influenced the culture of Wales? (1 point)
A. England required that the Welsh people fly English flags at their places of residence.
B. England promoted the English language in Wales, instead of the native language, Welsh.
C. England required Welsh men to grow beards.
D. England outlawed Welsh folk music.
A) Which of the following regions can be classified as a functional region? (1 point)
A. China
B. Silicon Valley
C. Latin America
D. the Middle East
A) What is the name of the event that has increased the rate of cultural diffusion since the 1980s? (1 point)
A. the digital revolution
B. European colonization of the Americas
C. the Mexican-American War
D. globalization
A) How do the activities of Boko Haram in Nigeria demonstrate the ability for culture to link or divide a country? (1 point)
A. These activities show that language is sometimes a centripetal force.
B. These activities demonstrate that religion is a largely centripetal force.
C. These activities show that language operates as a centrifugal force.
D. These activities show how religious radicalization can be a centrifugal force.
A) How can language be a unifying force between two places? (1 point)
A. The creation of one official language can bring language speakers together culturally.
B. A lingua franca can allow people from different places to communicate and share popular culture.
C. Putting toponyms or official documents into one language can encourage people to speak the same language, bringing people together.
D. The development of a new dialect will often bridge cultural gaps and encourage trade between places.
A) Which statement is true about jazz? (1 point)
A. Radio led to the decrease in popularity of jazz.
B. Jazz was mainly influenced by ranchers.
C. Radio enabled jazz to spread to a wider audience.
D. The main center of jazz moved from New York to California.
A) Which statement best summarizes some of the ways that non-Christians have influenced European cultures? (1 point)
A. Non-Christians have not influenced European cultures.
B. Non-Christians have influenced rituals practiced in European cultures.
C. Non-Christians have influenced European cultures through music, food, and architecture.
D. Non-Christians have changed the calendar so that Christian holidays are no longer celebrated.
A) Identify a connection between food and religion in Asia. (1 point)
A. All citizens in a country with a large Hindu population must avoid eating beef.
B. Muslims are prohibited from eating pork, and Hindus are prohibited from eating beef.
C. Everyone must eat the same ritual foods at holidays regardless of what they believe.
D. Asian religions require rice to be eaten at every meal as the main dish.
A) What is the religious significance of Jerusalem? (1 point)
A. Jerusalem is an important religious city to Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
B. Jerusalem is only important to Jews.
C. Jerusalem is the only important city to Muslims.
D. Jerusalem is an important city to Jews and Christians.
A) How can citizens use population statistics to make smart, informed decisions about advertisements in media? (1 point)
A. They can evaluate different population statistics to decide where to advertise a restaurant.
B. They can evaluate different population statistics to determine the best target media for their product.
C. They can evaluate different population statistics to fact-check media sources.
D. They can evaluate different population statistics to decide where to build a community center.
A) Demographic transition models use what two population statistics to signify change in a nation’s population? (1 point)
A. education levels and income
B. birth rates and death rates
C. race and birth rates
D. geographic location and number of people below the poverty line
A) What type of population pyramid would a nation most likely have if it had a high birth rate 30 years ago and has a low birth rate now? (1 point)
A. expansive
B. improving
C. constrictive
D. stationary
A) Which is an example of how the dominant culture can create a negative effect on migration? (1 point)
A. The mixing of multiple cultures creates a diverse and inclusive society.
B. The dominant culture removes the language barrier in migration processes.
C. The dominant culture overwhelms the healthcare infrastructure.
D. The dominant culture can create an identity crisis for migrants.
A) Which technique would be most useful in determining why migrants are coming to the Miami City area of Miami, Florida? (1 point)
A. experimental research
B. quantitative research methods
C. a case study
D. national statistics
A) Which environmental push factor has affected Micronesia? (1 point)
A. drought
B. rising sea levels
C. civil war
D. earthquakes
A) Migration resulting from the recent instability in Northern Africa and the Middle East have created which of these outcomes? (1 point)
A. declining immigration to the U.S. creating job openings
B. a generational depopulation of young people
C. mass migration across the Atlantic Ocean to the U.S.
D. mass flows of refugees into Europe
A) Forced migration can occur due to which of the following reasons? (1 point)
A. environmental disaster
B. political regime preference
C. higher living standards
D. greater employment opportunities
A) Which of the following is responsible for the ongoing migration crisis in Venezuela? (1 point)
A. ongoing civil war creating persecution, death, and danger
B. volcanic eruption displacing residents and causing destruction
C. economic failure creating debt, inflation, and autocracy
D. extreme flooding creating homelessness and disease
A) Which pairing of push and pull factors is correct to immigration and emigration? (1 point)
A. Push factors create immigration.
B. Pull factors create emigration.
C. Push factors create emigration.
D. Push and pull factors create emigration.
A) What is an urban penalty? (1 point)
A. the lack of quality food options in urban areas
B. the increased risk of disease and death in urban areas
C. high levels of crime
D. high migration levels
A) If a city fails to meet its threshold, what does this mean? (1 point)
A. It is not economically feasible for its market area to purchase goods and services from it.
B. The population levels of the area have exceeded its food production for it to be viable.
C. The population it provides for lives too far away for it to remain relevant in the area.
D. The population grew to such a number that it needed to be considered a global city.
A) How does access to raw materials help a region become a business center for trade and tourism? (1 point)
A. It allows for the production of important goods that can be sold to make a profit.
B. It causes an increase of jobs in the financial industry such as investors and bankers.
C. It causes people to want to move away from a region.
D. It allows for goods to be traded along waterways.
A) How does globalization contribute to the exploitation of certain cultures? (1 point)
A. Globalization allows for the spread of products from one culture to another around the world.
B. Globalization causes the spread of dominant, Western cultures.
C. Globalization allows transnational companies to employ people from nations with poor labor laws and low wages.
D. Globalization causes the loss of small, local cultures.
A) What is one effect of the growth of Silicon Valley on workplace culture? (1 point)
A. Workers seek employment outside of Silicon Valley because it is too competitive.
B. Many different sectors emphasize collaboration as an important skill.
C. More offices are adding cubicles to their work spaces.
D. Companies implement more strict policies to encourage maximum efficiency.
A) In 1–2 sentences, evaluate ways in which two regions can become culturally connected, and provide examples of how this shapes cultural regions today. (2 points)
A) In 3–5 sentences, analyze the factors that shape human migration. (4 points)
A) In 1–2 sentences, explain how the refugee crisis will be an area of ongoing migration in the future. (2 points)
A) In 1–2 sentences, synthesize evidence, based on what you can learn from global scale maps, of globalization’s effect on migration. (2 points)
A) In 1–2 sentences, explain what is unique about the population density of São Paulo, Brazil. (2 points)

User Icon for Bot GPT 3.5 Bot GPT 3.5 answered
1 year ago

Q1 - B. Spices were introduced by Arab traders.

Q2 - B. England promoted the English language in Wales, instead of the native language, Welsh.
Q3 - B. Silicon Valley.
Q4 - D. globalization.
Q5 - D. These activities show how religious radicalization can be a centrifugal force.
Q6 - B. A lingua franca can allow people from different places to communicate and share popular culture.
Q7 - C. Radio enabled jazz to spread to a wider audience.
Q8 - C. Non-Christians have influenced European cultures through music, food, and architecture.
Q9 - B. Muslims are prohibited from eating pork, and Hindus are prohibited from eating beef.
Q10 - A. Jerusalem is an important religious city to Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
Q11 - B. They can evaluate different population statistics to determine the best target media for their product.
Q12 - B. birth rates and death rates.
Q13 - C. constrictive.
Q14 - D. The dominant culture can create an identity crisis for migrants.
Q15 - C. a case study.
Q16 - B. rising sea levels.
Q17 - D. mass flows of refugees into Europe.
Q18 - A. environmental disaster.
Q19 - C. economic failure creating debt, inflation, and autocracy.
Q20 - C. Push factors create emigration.
Q21 - B. the increased risk of disease and death in urban areas.
Q22 - A. It is not economically feasible for its market area to purchase goods and services from it.
Q23 - A. It allows for the production of important goods that can be sold to make a profit.
Q24 - C. Globalization allows transnational companies to employ people from nations with poor labor laws and low wages.
Q25 - B. Many different sectors emphasize collaboration as an important skill.
Q26 - Two regions can become culturally connected through trade, migration, intermarriage, or the spread of ideas and technology. For example, the Silk Road facilitated the cultural exchange between China and the Middle East, resulting in the adoption of Chinese technologies and goods in the Arab world.
Q27 - Factors that shape human migration include economic opportunities, political instability, conflicts, environmental disasters, and family reunification. For example, people might migrate to countries with better job prospects or to escape war and persecution in their home countries.
Q28 - The refugee crisis will be an ongoing area of migration in the future due to ongoing conflicts, political instability, and environmental disasters in many parts of the world. This will continue to force people to flee their homes and seek refuge in other countries.
Q29 - Global scale maps can show patterns of migration, such as major migration routes and destinations. For example, maps can illustrate the movement of migrants from Africa to Europe or from Central America to North America, highlighting the impact of globalization on migration patterns.
Q30 - São Paulo, Brazil has a very high population density, with over 11 million inhabitants, making it one of the most populous cities in the world. Its population density is unique due to its status as a major economic and cultural center in Brazil, attracting a large number of people from rural areas and other regions of the country seeking better opportunities.

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago


The correct answer is B. Spices were introduced by Arab traders.

The correct answer is B. England promoted the English language in Wales, instead of the native language, Welsh.

The correct answer is B. Silicon Valley.

The correct answer is D. globalization.

The correct answer is D. These activities show how religious radicalization can be a centrifugal force.

The correct answer is B. A lingua franca can allow people from different places to communicate and share popular culture.

The correct answer is C. Radio enabled jazz to spread to a wider audience.

The correct answer is C. Non-Christians have influenced European cultures through music, food, and architecture.

The correct answer is B. Muslims are prohibited from eating pork, and Hindus are prohibited from eating beef.

The correct answer is A. Jerusalem is an important religious city to Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

The correct answer is B. They can evaluate different population statistics to determine the best target media for their product.

The correct answer is B. birth rates and death rates.

The correct answer is A. expansive.

The correct answer is D. The dominant culture can create an identity crisis for migrants.

The correct answer is C. a case study.

The correct answer is B. rising sea levels.

The correct answer is D. mass flows of refugees into Europe.

The correct answer is A. environmental disaster.

The correct answer is C. economic failure creating debt, inflation, and autocracy.

The correct answer is C. Push factors create emigration.

The correct answer is B. the increased risk of disease and death in urban areas.

The correct answer is A. It is not economically feasible for its market area to purchase goods and services from it.

The correct answer is A. It allows for the production of important goods that can be sold to make a profit.

The correct answer is D. Globalization causes the loss of small, local cultures.

The correct answer is B. Many different sectors emphasize collaboration as an important skill.

Two regions can become culturally connected through trade, migration, and communication. For example, the Silk Road connected East Asia and Europe, leading to the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures. Today, globalization and advancements in technology, such as the internet, have made it easier for cultures to connect and influence each other.

Factors that shape human migration include economic opportunities, political instability, wars and conflicts, environmental factors, and cultural factors. Economic opportunities can attract migrants to regions with better job prospects, while political instability or conflicts can force people to flee their homes. Environmental factors such as natural disasters or climate change can also lead to migration. Cultural factors, such as the desire to be part of a specific community or to escape discrimination, can also influence migration decisions.

The refugee crisis will continue to be an area of ongoing migration in the future due to ongoing conflicts, persecution, and environmental disasters. These factors force people to flee their homes in search of safety, leading to continued refugee flows and the need for international support and solutions.

Global scale maps can show patterns of migration and the movement of people across borders. They can indicate areas of high immigration or emigration, as well as the interconnectedness of different regions. Globalization's effect on migration can be seen through the increased movement of people for economic, social, and cultural reasons, as well as the spread of ideas and influences across borders.

What is unique about the population density of São Paulo, Brazil is that it is one of the most populous cities in the world, with a high population density. It is a major economic and cultural hub, attracting people from all over Brazil and other countries, leading to a densely populated urban area.