20 reasons for European exploration in 15th and 16th century?

I have to get 20 but i can't find any other reason. Please read what i have and try to think of what i can put on the list.

⦁ Fall of Constantinople to muslim ottoman turks. Constantinople connected europe and asia.
⦁ Trade was limiteed, expensive shipping. Cut off so people began to seek new ways to reach asia. silk road was cut off by Muslim.
⦁ “Overcrowding” – England had experienced a dramatic population boom, resulting in social and economic upheaval (inflation, falling wages, peasants losing their land b/c of the enclosure movement, many homeless people, rapidly growing cities).
⦁ Competition – The English government was concerned about losing ground in the competition with the Spanish for overall power and with the Dutch for trading. Since they had colonies, it was only natural that England would want them as well.
⦁ The Age of Exploration was rooted in new technologies and ideas growing out of the Renaissance, these included advances in cartography, navigation, and shipbuilding. The most important development was the invention of first the Carrack and then caravel in Iberia. These that were a combination of traditional European and Arab designs were the first ships that could leave the relatively passive Mediterranean and sail safely on the open Atlantic.
⦁ rise of Portuguese exploration- became most significant player in slave trade as well as in the spice trade with Asia.Portugal became the richest nation in Europe. other nations follow suit.
⦁ Spain was split up into multiple spanish thrones but were unified. Reconquista- the ong struggle ending in 1492 during which the spanish Christians reconquered the lberian Peninsular r from muslim occupiers, who invaded in 8th century.
⦁ that same year 1492, Italian sailor named Christoper Columbus was commissioned by spanish monarchs ot try to find a route to asia that was different from the african one portugal using.
⦁ He wanted fame and fortune but also wanted to spread the christian faith like many other travelers.
⦁ Martin Luther begins protestant reformation. 1517 95 theses.
⦁ Religion – This applies more to the prospective colonists than to the government. Anyhow, after Henry VIII split from the church in 1533, he established the Anglican Church, which was subsequently taken over by Queen Elizabeth, who swung it more towards the Protestant side. This led to the formation of many English Calvinist [Puritan] groups, who felt that reform should go further. But under the Stuarts [the absolutists], the church went back towards Catholicism w/o the Pope, and many of the Puritans were forced to flee in the 1620s to avoid persecution.
⦁ Columbian Exchange- trade of plants, animal, diseases. brought wealth to Europe and American settlers.
⦁ Triangular trade trade of plants, animal, diseases. brought wealth to Europe and American settlers.

5 answers

First, this is a history question. What school subject is "apush"? If you want a history tutor to help you, put "History" in the School Subject box (or science, math, whatever). I only saw this because I was curious what "apush" means!

Intellectual curiosity about the world hitherto unknown was also a major reason for the Age of Discovery. Read lots and you'll find other reasons:

advance placement, united states history.
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Look at the examples for what should go into the School Subject box. It says subject, not abbreviation or course number.
What is one conclusion we can make about the West when studying 15th and 16th century European exploration