20. Describe one of the strongest literary images (not a picture of drawing from the reading) you encountered from any of the following literature.

*The Interlopers by Saki
* Birches by Robert Frost
* Haiku by Kago no Chiyo
* Haiku by Basho
* Spring Is Like a Perhaps Hand by E.E Cummings
* The Deadliest Tsunami in History by National Geographic News
* Orphans Give Indian Couple Will to Live; Tsunami Killed Their Son, Two Daughters” By Shaikh Azizur Rahman
* Wave by Dale Wisely
* The Birds by Daphne du Maurier

Why is this image memorable? How does the author use vivid descriptive details to help the reader visualize what is being described? How does this image contribute to the main idea of the text? Please Use Specific Details from the text to support your answer.

10 answers

There is no way we can know what YOU encountered.
Give what you encountered to answer the question
I didn’t read any of these I just need the answer
Yea we didn’t ask y’all to say “how do we know what you encountered” What we need r the answers, that’s what this app is for, duh 🙄
To any students reading this please know that by going on sites like Jiska and Brainly you are breaking the honor code by looking up the answer. This question comes directly from the Grade 9 Unit 2 Test. If you need help with any part of you're lessons contact the teacher.
Thank You For You're Time.
who cares about that
we jus tneed help
suck a ÐÍĈK dude
shut up some people need sites like this because they dont want to book an appointment to just check there answers on a test that has less than 9 questions! [mind you that is just an example] also ive been to k-12 and it SUCKS. the teachers there were NOT HELPFUL AT ALL and it took them 2 WEEKS just to REPLAY TO ONE MESSAGE!!!!!!!! im not exaggerating. it was dam near 2 weeks. and the classes were so mindbogglingly BORING that i wasnt paying any attention at all! so in summery the teachers sucked at replaying to messages and were not helpful AT ALL on top of that the classes were boring and there were sooooo many words i did not understand i fell asleep [jk i didnt but i dam near wanted to go outside and touch some grass than listen to that sh!7] so my point is that some people use this site and others to check there answers or to help them on something they dont understand and its not just like 6th or 8th its also like high school students that need sites like this to help cram for SAT or something like that idk. my point is that things like this site are important to help students on tests and what not! and what if there mom or dad arent there to help them? what then? other than booking an appointment with one of the teachers but as i said "test with less than 9 questions" and only need help with 3 will be a waste of time for both the teacher that can help other students that need help with more than 3 questions and the student that can just look them up and correct them if needed. ive said my part if yall disagree idc. yall can make fun and try to make me look So WrOnG when in reality im right and the truth in the matter lies within the experience. [btw im not joking with k-12 i was there for 6th and my mom and dad along with me did not like it AT ALL and if yall dont beleave me why did i go thru the trouble of making up a story like this along with the balls to complane about it when i know im just wasting my time? also MIND YOU that was an example once again]
wait a minute i just posted that how are there replays to it allready expashily considering the fact i just posted it from 10/28/2022 and there are REPLAYS dateing to about YEAR AGO also that was directed at mis schwade and it was sapost to be backing up you guys so why are you attacking me? just doesnt add up