2.What's one thing your school or community could do to help prevent substance abuse in your area?
What is this question exactly asking?
This is what I have put:
One thing that my school or community could do to help prevent substance abuse in my area is that they can make students identify some sense of spirituality. It can make them think about others things other than themselves and they can find a meaning of life this way as well. They will begin to feel that they belong and will begin to develop a different perspective about the world around them. They will find a reason to be happy in life.
Is this good? Is there anything else I could add?
4 answers
That might work. A strong counseling department and early education against drugs might also help.
Thanks, Ms. Sue is there anything else I could add about spirituality or does my paragraph explain everything well?
I agree early education is helpful.
I also think targeted drug testing is helpful.
I also think targeted drug testing is helpful.