2) What credibility did you give initially to an article drawn from the W_W_W? What are your thoughts about the practical experience versus scientific information as credible sources of information about children or families (as applied to the article)? Why?
When I initially viewed the article I gave it some credibility since the article contained a description about the author who wrote it. The description includes information of the author's professional history along with a picture of the author. It also includes a link where one can find additional information about the author's mission and education history. I believe practical experience is the knowledge one gains from one’s own personal experience, therefore it is a less credible source of information about children and families since one’s own experiences can not apply to everyone. Scientific information is practical knowledge that as been explored through scientific experiments. The source of information one retrieves from these scientific experiments help provide useful information that can apply to everyone, which makes scientific information more credible than practical experience.
5 answers
Scientific information is practical knowledge - and add the word "controlled" before scientific experiments.
Feelings come first (Compare and contrast)
The poem “Since feeling is first” by E.E Cummings tells about the enjoyment of love and states that feeling comes first, however “Love is not all” by St. Vincent Millay says that love is one of the utmost useless thing in life, yet one is willing to die for love. Both of these poems differ in structure and perceptive of love, yet they tend to state that love is everything and one who does not know (or how to) love is missing the greatest feeling in the world. The world love can be looked at two different ways, one: the love that a mother has for her children and then there is the romantic love. Both of these poems are looking and analyzing the romantic love, which is cherished by some, yet some argue that it has no moral purpose in one’s life.
The poem “love is not all” by St. Vincent Millay is a Shakespearian sonnet (consisting the rhyme scheme of ab ab cd cd ef ef gg), where the last line contradicts with the first thirteen lines of the poem. However “Since feeling is first” by E.E Cummings is a free verse, where the poem is written in an unorthodox syntax to co-exist with the overall meaning of the poem. Cummings recalls that feelings come first (in term that the feeling that one gains from love comes first). On the other hand, Millay tells that the feeling that one gain from love or love it self has no use for one, when s/he is in the depths of trouble. Ex: When one is in need of breath, “love can not fill the thickened lung with breath” or can it save one, who is drowning. Cummings claims anything that one is in need is nothing compared to the feeling that one gains from love, which has “no parenthesis”. The feeling of love is the essential feeling that one must enjoy in his or her lifetime and one should not look at how s/he derive at the pleasures/feelings of love. However, Millay asks can love cure disease that one is suffering, can love provide one with the basics needs a person needs to live. Cummings suggests that let the nature of love guide one is feeling toward another, rather trying to go in order, also one should not expect anything from love expect “kisses” (pleasure/feeling) which “are a better fate than wisdom” itself, meaning that do not expect something out of love, just accept what love can give one. Nevertheless, Millay asks what can you expect from love and what love can provide one. Ex: Millay tells that love “is not meat nor drink, nor a floating spar to men that sink and rise and sink again.
The main theme of both these two poems is that love is the greatest entity in the world, where nothing alike to the feeling that one derives from love exists. Even thou each of the poem’s structure differ, at the end both of these poems come to the same conclusion. In “Love is not all” the seventh line tells that one is willing to give up his/her life “for lack of love alone” , and Cummings tells the same that love is worth doing anything for. Also Millay says that if one was given the option to sell or trade his or her love for the greatest thing such as “ sell your love for peace” or “trade the memory of this night for food” one would not. The sentence “trade the memory of this night for food” is closely associated with Cummings' poem; the sentence tells that one would not trade the feeling of love for anything. Which what Cummings says “since feeling is first”. Both of these authors say that love is the greatest entity in the universe and no such feeling close exist in the universe. The over all meaning of both of these poem say that feelings of love come first.
Both these authors started their poems in different structure and different perceptive on love but at the end they have come to a conclusion that love is the greatest feeling in life and one who does not appreciate it or does not have the chance to feel that feeling of love, have not made any use of their life.