In order to help you with the accent marks (which must be there if it is an accented work), I need to know if you have: 1) PC or MAC an 2) Windows (which edition) or not.
Sí, siempre.
(2 people talking to each other)
"?Comen tus amigos contigo todos los dias?"
"Si,_____ comen conmigo."
a. nunca
b. por la noche
c. siempre
d. manana
There is a line above A in dias and a squiggly line above the first N in manana. Sorry about the question marks. I have tried ALT + 168, but it isn't working for me.
3 answers
If you have a PC (Dell, HP, or anything other than a Mac), make sure you are using the numbers on the keypad, not the numbers across the top of the keyboard. And the 0 must be there, too.
Alt + 0241 ~~> ñ
Alt + 0237 ~~> Ã
Alt + 0241 ~~> ñ
Alt + 0237 ~~> Ã
Thank you so much! ¡Gracias!