Energy Conservation Quick Check

1.Is freezing an endothermic or exothermic process? How do you know?(1 point)

Freezing is exothermic because as water bonds into ice, the bonds absorb energy from the environment in order to change states.

Freezing is exothermic because as water bonds into ice, the energy from bond formation is released and heats up the surrounding environment.

Freezing is endothermic because as water bonds into ice, the bonds absorb energy from the environment in order to change states.

Freezing is endothermic because as water bonds into ice, the energy from bond formation is released and heats up the surrounding environment.

2.Which statement correctly describes how energy transforms?(1 point)

When a fire is burning, visible energy is turned into chemical energy in the form of light and thermal energy in the form of heat.

When a fire is burning, thermal energy is turned into visible energy in the form of light and chemical energy in the form of heat.

When a fire is burning, visible energy is turned into thermal energy in the form of light and chemical energy in the form of heat.

When a fire is burning, chemical energy is turned into visible energy in the form of light and thermal energy in the form of heat.

3.Is a burning fire endothermic or exothermic? How do you know?(1 point)

A burning fire is exothermic because a lot of heat is given off as the wood is converted into carbon dioxide and water.

A burning fire is endothermic because a lot of heat needs to be applied in the form of fire to break the bonds of the wood.

A burning fire is exothermic because a lot of heat needs to be applied in the form of fire to break the bonds of the wood.

A burning fire is endothermic because a lot of heat is given off as the wood is converted into carbon dioxide and water.

4.Use the energy chain to answer the question.

fire heats up a pot β†’ pot cooks food β†’ food fuels body β†’ body releases heat during activity

Where is energy created in this energy chain?

(1 point)

The food cooking is the creation of energy.

Starting a fire is the creation of energy.

The body processing food is the creation of energy.

Energy is never created but simply recycled and changed into other forms.

5.A fire is heating up a pot, which is cooking food. Which part of this reaction is the chemical reaction system?(1 point)

all parts combined

the pot

the fire

the food

Anything helps please!
failing this classssss

User Icon for PsyDAG PsyDAG answered
2 years ago

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

What are your choices?

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
2 years ago

Freezing water into ice is an example of an exothermic reaction, because ice absorbs the heat energy around it. This is what causes it to melt.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
2 years ago

The answer to the first question is:

⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇
Freezing is exothermic because as water bonds into ice, the bonds absorb energy from the environment in order to change states

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
2 years ago

For question 1: Freezing is exothermic because as water bonds into ice, the bonds absorb energy from the environment in order to change states

For question 2: When a fire is burning, chemical energy is turned into visible energy in the form of light and thermal energy in the form of heat.

For question 3: A burning fire is exothermic because a lot of heat is given off as the wood is converted into carbon dioxide and water.

For question 4: Energy is never created but simply recycled and changed into other forms.

For question 5: all parts combined

I just completed the quick check, and these were the correct answers for me.

I hope these help! πŸ˜Šβ˜ΊπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
2 years ago

Is anybody else in 10th grade Connections Academy too?

I can just image how yall are feeling. This school was fine until 9th grade, when I started high school. The work is extra hard, and the scheduling of lessons is ridiculously fast paced, especially since this school claims that "students can set their own schedule and work at their own pace". I study when I can, but in CA it's hardly about learning anymore. You're constantly fighting to complete your overdue lessons, and keep your grades up so much, that you don't have time to study. Working under the pressure of strict parents, nagging teachers, and trying your hardest only to get nowhere is enough to make a person want to give up sometimes. Sometimes I just break down and cry, because I know I'm not a cheater. I know I'm smart, but the workload is overwhelming and people act like they don't understand when kids really, truly need help.

User Icon for Sum Guy Sum Guy answered
2 years ago

Anonymous is correct except for #1, I believe it would be Freezing is exothermic because as water bonds into ice, the energy from the bond formation is released and heats up the surrounding environment.

User Icon for someone from connections someone from connections answered
2 years ago

@Anonymous I get where your coming from and I really do know how it is sometimes where you feel like half your energy and time goes into homework. A lot of times I'm like: 'Am I studying to become a doctor or something?!' It makes me feel a little less anxious and helps me focus on what needs to be done and what I should doing at THAT moment. So when people say 'Your cheating taking answers from online.' Well guess what I bet you the homework I do is ten times more than the homework you do if you have enough time to come to me and tell me that. I'm going to do the best I can with the work that best fits with the degree I will be pursuing when I get to college and the other work I'm going to take care of another way so that it doesn't slow me down. Making a plan for the day is something that has helped me the most and I try my best not to let a single day of work to become overdo. So for example I do:

Spanish 1, Chemistry, Geometry, English 2, and Digital Photography.I do some of them during the day then take a break and then complete the rest. So @Anonymous if you ever get stuck don't hesitate to get help for the things you feel weighing you down.
Thank you for the answers too!

User Icon for just me just me answered
2 years ago

1. Freezing is exothermic because as water bonds into ice, the energy from bond formation is released and heats up the surrounding environment.

2. When a fire is burning, chemical energy is turned into visible energy in the form of light and thermal energy in the form of heat.
3. A burning fire is exothermic because a lot of heat is given off as the wood is converted into carbon dioxide and water.
4. Energy is never created but simply recycled and changed into other forms.
5. The gasoline and spark

Here are the correct answers. I just took the quick check. Hope it helps

User Icon for Shrimp Shrimp answered
2 years ago

1: Freezing is exothermic because as water bonds into ice, the energy from bond formation is released and heats up the surrounding environment.

2: When a fire is burning, chemical energy is turned into visible energy in the form of light and thermal energy in the form of heat.

3: A burning fire is exothermic because a lot of heat is given off as the wood is converted into carbon dioxide and water.

4: Energy is never created but simply recycled and changed into other forms.

5: The gasoline and spark

Here's your 100%. Enjoy <3

User Icon for anonymous anonymous answered
2 years ago

Yall i feel you! People tell me that just because I'm homeschooled my life is soooo much easier! Not really! When you guys have homework I have homework too! Plus, you guys are taught by teachers and we have to teach ourselves or watch videos to teach ourselves! I mean I cannot comprehend JACK CRAP in chemistry! I mean seriously, at the beginning of my first semester in 10nth grade I was like, okay this year I am going to do my best and not use google at all! Next thing I know my first quick check has an equation and THERE WERE NO DIRECTIONS ON HOW TO DO IT IN THE WHOLE LESSON! I mean seriously! I would rather be homeschooled by my family then do connexus or do that conjoined homeschool thing with multiple people! But this is sooo difficult and my family pushes me to get all A's but they never help me. I ask my grandfather for help in chemistry and algebra and he's loosing his memory so now I'm freaking out because I don't know if I am going to survive till my 12th grade year! My grandmother grades and teaches my younger brothers so I'm too scared to ask her to help me in any of my other classes! And my latin class kicked my butt at one point so I wanted to drop it and my mom got furious and told me that it may be my life but she is in charge of my school! I had to explain to her that she isn't helping me in Latin and nobody else can so I am doing this by myself and those 50's I get on the test are screwing up my overall grade! I mean I would rather drop out then leave failing grades on my overall school gpa! Seriously, if you guys have the time to come on here and type up a response, don't bother if you aren't going to give the answers or help. Because don't waste your time of day belittling people like us who struggle because not all of us are rocket science genius's and we can't teach ourselves especially if we have no help. So either give the answers, give a general area to help us find the answers, or don't comment at all! Have a nice day and I STAND WITH THE CONNEXUS STUDENTS WHO STRUGGLE!!

User Icon for Pog Pog answered
2 years ago

Honestly, I thought I was totally alone on that feeling. School in general just sucks and doesn't teach or help anyone. This especially goes for American schools because this school system is just terrible and useless. I feel like Im saying nothing at this point so im gonna stop here but ty to anyone who was listening

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
2 years ago

Yall all welcome for the answers. Thanks for correcting me on #1 btw. I feel for all of yall who are struggling like me, and my mom is practically the same way. She's on my tail like white on rice about my schoolwork and failing grades, but she doesn't really try to help me with the stuff I struggle with the most, claiming "A lot of this stuff you are doing in school, I didn't even have in school, so you're just going to have to figure it out somehow or another, because I'm not going to do your work for you. You're the one in school, not me. So get your $#!+ together".

That's where the problem is. Nobody understands us. Everybody thinks we just want answers or other people to do our work for us and thats not true. If you really want to help us succeed in life as your children and be a REAL learning coach you would at least try to explain and tutor us on the things we need help on instead of leaving us clueless! Even if you didn't take our courses in school, how are you going to say the work isn't that hard if you know nothing about it yourself? Ok Mom, if chemistry isn't that hard, then why don't you explain my work to me to help me get a better understanding of it so I can get my grades up??

User Icon for #laptop-lyfeπŸ’» #laptop-lyfeπŸ’» answered
2 years ago

FIRST OF ALL: I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, @someone from connections and you @anonymous and @Anonymous

And thank you to @Shrimp for the correct answers....

@DrBob222 has been on ALMOST EVERY one of these types of questions, and "he" has said the SAME THING

SO, since @DrBob222 is such a bratty stuck up little weasel and PROBABLY NOT EVEN A DOCTOR, here is something for "him"

you must be searching for these questions or something, because every question that says "quick check" you say that exact same thing...
Lets get this straight,
there is a certain school, where the assignments are sorted by what they are about or review:
Quick Check: a short, to the point assessment that gives questions that go over the topics in the lesson. It is provided to "Quickly Check" your understanding of the topics in the lesson
Quiz:longer than a Quick Check, but shorter than a test. same thing, except for a slightly higher grade.
Practice: not for a grade, but it helps to see what you do and don't understand in the lessons

@DrBob222, i suggest you CHECK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU WRECK YOURSELF, and don't ASSUME things.

User Icon for science nerd science nerd answered
2 years ago

Number 5 is wrong everything else is correct number 5 is The gasoline and spark NOT all parts combined

User Icon for Don Don answered
2 years ago

Shrimp is 100% correct

User Icon for Thank you Thank you answered
2 years ago

Im glad im not alone!!

User Icon for dropping out dropping out answered
2 years ago

ive been in this horrid system since 8th grade, it was always bad. People have been suffering through this since 2012. i was supposed to drop out last year but was forced into this, i havent not cheated on a single assignment. It's the ONLY way to survive in this shool. They dont teach you anything at all in the actual assignment, so even if you did try to be genuine youd end up failing faster than you can have a mental breakdown.

im currently speedrunning all my courses so i can be done with this sooner. So sorry for anyone just coming in.

User Icon for yea yea answered
2 years ago

anyone wanna start a connections gc

User Icon for ragu sauce ragu sauce answered
2 years ago

I feel all you guys, I started connexus because of the pandemic and stress of in-person school but this is just as stressful tbh (if not more stressful). The way assignments are literally thrown at us is crazy, plus the constant alarms. The lack of information in the lessons is whack too (esp. if you have a portfolio). Anyway, the only good thing is nicer teachers and the fact you can look up answers easily lol.

User Icon for Transfem Catgirl Wizard Transfem Catgirl Wizard answered
1 year ago

ill keep mine short but in relation to the other vents here, connections is ridiculously demanding. I used to go to public school and it was so much worse, but this isn't the answer either. In three (3) assignments i have a practice, sample work, portfolio, unit test, test part 2, and another unit test with 3 paragraphs of writing and a full essay. And that's just two different classes. Our education system devalues kids in favor of funding and test scores. We all deserve better.