The assignment is called Sequence of Events Presentation portfolio and It’s gonna give me a 0% F for my grade in science If I don’t get this turned it correctly could someone help me the instructions are below:

Presenting Information in a Graphic Organizer

In this lesson, you will transfer the information that you learned previously into a presentation that includes a sequence of events of Earth's history for the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras.
Why Use a Sequence of Events?

Using a graphic organizer for a sequence of events allows you to clearly put forth your ideas.
Others can easily see the information.
Topics or ideas can be easily found.
Click on the link below to access the Sequence of Events presentation. After opening the presentation, save it in your Unit 3 folder.

Mouse icon Sequence of Events

Now you will practice inserting a SmartArt graphic in a presentation. You will use the sequence of events in the life cycle of a frog to create this practice graphic. You will create a new SmartArt graphic based on the geologic timescale later in the lesson.

Directions on inserting a sequence of events graphic organizer using SmartArt:
Select Slide 2 in the Sequence of Events presentation.
To insert SmartArt into a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, click on the Insert tab. In the Insert ribbon, click on the SmartArt button.
On the left side, there is a list of options to choose from. Each menu will offer different diagrams and flow chart variations. Select Process from the menu.
Select Basic Timeline.
On the right side, there is a preview of the graphic you selected. When you are finished configuring or determining the type of graphic you would like to use, click on the OK button.
Now a SmartArt graphic is inserted in your presentation. Notice the Type your text here window. This is where you will type the text to insert in the SmartArt.
To add text, click on the first bullet within the Type your text here window.
Add your own Sequence of Events to the SmartArt using the following information:
Life Cycle of a Frog
Tadpole Frog
Adult Frog
Continue adding information to your graphic.
If you would like to reorder any items in your SmartArt, you can click on the Move Up button in the Design ribbon.
To add additional graphics to the SmartArt, click on the Add Shape button in the Design ribbon.
Again, to move a shape in your graphic, click on the Move Down or Move Up buttons.
You can now add additional information to your SmartArt.
To change the order of your arrows or the flow of the graphic, click on the Right to Left button.

User Icon for Kay Kay answered
2 years ago

Just make a presentation on PowerPoint of a timeline with all the required things.