1.Which nonfiction genre instructs or teaches the reader how to do something?(1 point)




2 of 15 Items
2 of 15 Items
Item 2
Use the paragraph to answer the question.

The platypus is an Australian mammal that does not fall neatly into a classification. It is one of only two mammals (the other being the echidna) that bears young by laying eggs. In some respects, the platypus resembles a duck; both have webbed feet and bills.The platypus has a tail like a beaver’s and a furry body similar to an otter’s. Its unusual hybrid of body parts makes it well-suited for its largely aquatic life. The platypus uses its webbed feet to paddle through water, and its tail serves as a kind of rudder for steering. While underwater, the platypus uses its bill to scoop up bits of food, such as insects and shellfish, from the water’s bottom. The platypus also scoops up bits of gravel, which grind up the food, as the platypus is toothless. The platypus stores the food and gravel in its cheeks until it reaches the water’s surface. Once the platypus surfaces, it consumes its meal.

Which sentence describes the main idea?

(1 point)

The platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique.

The platypus lives in Australia.

The platypus uses an interesting method to consume its meals.

The platypus has features similar to an otter and a beaver.

3.Which is the best summary of the following text?

It happens way too often: oil leaking from wells beneath the ocean or tankers spilling their cargo into the waves. One disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, called the Tyler spill, has been leaking hundreds of barrels of oil per day into the ocean for the past 14 years. That safety should be a higher priority is a no-brainer. But something can be done to clean up oil spills—something that doesn’t involve pouring chemical cleanup agents into our already fouled waters. And yet the oil industry has not embraced this smart, safe method.

(1 point)

The oil industry needs to work more efficiently.

The oil industry should promptly handle oil spills with a chemical clean-up process.

Oil spills occur too frequently.

Oil spills are an ongoing problem that can be improved in a smart and safe manner.

4 of 15 Items
4 of 15 Items

Item 4
Use the sentences to answer the question.

Many people believe a European named Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. However, Gutenberg’s press was actually building on inventions that appeared centuries earlier in China.

What is the connection between the ideas in these sentences?

(1 point)

problem and solution



cause and effect

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
4 years ago

I'll be happy to check your answers.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
4 years ago


The platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique.
cause and effect

User Icon for LeBron James LeBron James answered
4 years ago

What are the answers

User Icon for Girl Girl answered
4 years ago

Whats number 3

User Icon for no one no one answered
4 years ago

Answers please???

User Icon for ? ? answered
4 years ago

Ms.Sue has been no help lately

User Icon for jay jay answered
4 years ago

whats the answer

User Icon for jay jay answered
4 years ago

LeBron James whats the answer

User Icon for Hi Hi answered
4 years ago

What are the answers pls help

User Icon for jay jay answered
4 years ago

did anybody get the answers

User Icon for jay jay answered
4 years ago

bruh i needem now

User Icon for Aidencoolman Aidencoolman answered
4 years ago

Jay i need the answers too cmon

User Icon for Zealous Zealous answered
4 years ago

what is the answers

User Icon for Zealous Zealous answered
4 years ago

i dont know the answers can someone please help me i dont know how t o do this im in 8th grade connexus help pls pls pls pls ppls pls i need help if you dont do the test and comment thee answers everyone will fail the test omg

User Icon for jay jay answered
4 years ago

bruh whats da answers

User Icon for jay jay answered
4 years ago

someone please tell me da annswers i need em by tomorrow

User Icon for cute anime girl cute anime girl answered
4 years ago


User Icon for What's the answer?? What's the answer?? answered
4 years ago

omggg what are the answers i-

User Icon for Blah blah blah Blah blah blah answered
4 years ago

What’s the answer ?

User Icon for HAHA HAHA answered
4 years ago

I did the test and got a 100

User Icon for word word answered
4 years ago


HAHA you couldve have gave us the answers but you petty .

User Icon for :) :) answered
4 years ago












12: on your own

13: on your own

14: on your own

15: on your own

I promise this is the Right answers :) have a great day

User Icon for jay jay answered
4 years ago

bruh does better be right

User Icon for GreenHyperMan GreenHyperMan answered
4 years ago

Ok :) You're Wrong I Only Got a 3/11 Here Are The Actual Answers

12)That's On You
13)That's On You
14)That's On You
15)That's On You

You Can Trust Me This Time These Are The Answers Now You Are Going To Have a Great Day.

User Icon for andrew andrew answered
4 years ago

are we sure these are right?

User Icon for jamy jamy answered
4 years ago

Because, #1 is A.

User Icon for jamy jamy answered
4 years ago

I hope so,

User Icon for We failed We failed answered
4 years ago

Bruh someone just list the CORRECT answer

User Icon for iWannaDie low-key~🖤🐣 iWannaDie low-key~🖤🐣 answered
4 years ago

sorry to break it to yall but im pretty sure they switch up sum of the questions or answers:) do it q by q instead.

User Icon for GreenHyperMan GreenHyperMan answered
4 years ago


Alright Fine These Are The Right Answers Give Me One More Chance

User Icon for Joe Joe answered
4 years ago

GreenHyperMan is a lying peice of scum trash and should burn in the depts of hell.

(1) D
(2) C
(3) D
(4) A
(5) A
(6) D
(7) B
(8) A
(9) C
(10) D
(11) B
(12) essay
(13) essay
(15) essay

This is for connexus

User Icon for opo opo answered
4 years ago

whats the right ones

User Icon for ME ME answered
4 years ago

Who has the right answers

User Icon for NOPE NOPE answered
4 years ago

all the answers posted are wrong because the answers get moved around so you cant copy. And I suggest putting down the actually answer and just the letter. And if you go to connexus you should know that.

User Icon for :/ :/ answered
4 years ago

⚠️ READ THE QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU ANSWER⚠️ (i put main parts of the questions with the right answers)

1. (“which nonfiction genre instructs or teaches the reader how to do something.”) A
2. (platypus paragraph) B
3. (oil paragraph) F
4. (johannes gutenberg,printing press) C
5. (Diamond sutra sentence) C
6. (Movie paragraph) C
7. (earthquakes & volcanos) A
8. (google and albert einstein) C
9. (mary is such a ______ child) B
10. (artist inspired by nature) B
11. (article 1 has an explanatory voice. paragraph) C
12-15 you’re on your own

User Icon for :/ :/ answered
4 years ago


User Icon for ok ok answered
4 years ago

they move the questions around everyone is right it’s in the wrong order, i’m gonna search it up on brainly, there’s a better chance there.

User Icon for uwu uwu answered
4 years ago

i think :/ is right

User Icon for it's ME it's ME answered
4 years ago

1. humor

2.The platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique.
3.Oil spills are an ongoing problem that can be improved in a smart and safe manner.
7.Much like music that might play softly in the background, little earthquakes tremor underground without much notice.
8.Google is a search engine that can give information about virtually any topic, and Albert Einstein was considered a genius of his time.
10.He carves animals out of wood.
11.to inform
12-15 answer yourself

these are the real answers 100%

User Icon for Daddy chocolates Daddy chocolates answered
4 years ago

Thank you it's ME

User Icon for Trey Sanders Trey Sanders answered
4 years ago

It's me your a life saver TYSM

User Icon for Howdy Howdy answered
4 years ago

1. how-to

2. platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique
3. oil spills are an ongoing problem that can be improved
4. contrast
5. description
7. Much like music that might play softly in the background, little earthquakes tremor underground without much notice.
8.Google is a search engine that can give information about virtually any topic, and Albert Einstein was considered a genius of his time.
10. he carves animals out of wood
11. to inform

User Icon for 😌 😌 answered
4 years ago

Do the test urselfs guys i got 100% and all i did was read the whole assignment teeheehee

User Icon for IGiVeUp IGiVeUp answered
4 years ago

Does anyone have 12-15??

User Icon for koolkid koolkid answered
4 years ago

Lesson 2: Tensions with Britain CE 2016

Social Studies 8 A Unit 3: The Revolutionary Era
I got 100% so I wanted to share my answers:)
1. How to
2. The platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique
3. Oil spills are an ongoing problem that can be improved in a smart and safe manner
4. Contrast
5. Description
6. Real
7.Much like music that might play softly in the background, little earthquakes tremor underground without much notice
8. Google is a search engine that can give information about virtually any topic, and Albert Einstein was considered a genius of his time
9. Sullen
10. He carves animals out of wood
11. To inform
12. Mother nature is so smart that she knows how to constantly rebuilt and regenerate itself. To the human eyes, a fire hurts so much. We think that fires destroy nature. But as in the case of fires or heavy rains, the purpose is to clean what must be cleaned. SUPPORTING DETAIL:"Fire also may kill predatory insects or pests that live on and damage otherwise healthy trees."

13. Both fires are natural. They are caused by multiple different things including, high heat levels, heat waves, etc. The healthy trees would be affected but not as much as “dead” trees.

14. I GAVE 3 DIFFERENT ANSWERS SO CHOOSE 1! FIRST ONE: Even though my aunt is wealthy, she is miserly and refuses to help me pay for college. SECOND ONE: A man who tricks people into giving him money. The more and more he does this the more and more his appearance changes during the lies he tells. THIRD ONE: He chooses to do people wrong to extend his life span.

15. In order for words to give off a negative tone, there has to be some way the author is communicating with us. is this supposed to be negative? what is it talking about?
like "the wooden structure rots" "the chain swing rust" "garbage covers the ground" "concerned citizens" "public junkyard"
all of that goes against and sounds horrible for a place for children to play happily and safely

Hopefully I helped you!

User Icon for mep mep answered
4 years ago


User Icon for bruh bruh answered
3 years ago

Why would a student include an allusion to Albert Einstein, an accomplished scientist with a famously bad memory, in a paper about how people learn?(1 point)

to show how famous people are remembered
to show how remembering something is not as important as understanding it
to show that memorization is important to everyone
to show that memorization is important when learning something new

User Icon for bruh bruh answered
3 years ago

first one is how-to

the einstein one is the second choice you put

User Icon for dogge dogge answered
3 years ago

you should do your own work not have someone give you the answer.

User Icon for C.h.i.l.l C.h.i.l.l answered
3 years ago

Just why yall cheating. do it yourself.

User Icon for Name Name answered
3 years ago

ok, so we cant look up stuff? mind yo business

User Icon for Money Manic Money Manic answered
3 years ago

Right Right Right Soooooo What are teh answers? :)

User Icon for Bruh Bruh answered
3 years ago

Kids be cheating so much, they won't even be able to get a job because they won't remember anything.

Sad tbh

User Icon for idk lol idk lol answered
3 years ago

what do you think this website is for? if you don't like it then leave and never come back

User Icon for night :') night :') answered
3 years ago

fr lol

User Icon for yo mom yo mom answered
3 years ago

100% correct answers for Connexus 2021.

1. How-to
2. The platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique.
3. There is a smart solution to the ongoing problem of oil spills the industry should use.
4. Contrast.
5. Description
6. Real.
7. Much like background music, little earthquakes tremor underground without much notice.
8. To show how remembering something is not as important as understanding it.
9. Sullen.
10. He carves animals out of wood.
11. To inform.
12-15 on your own.


User Icon for :p :p answered
3 years ago

If any of you want help from Ms. Sue sadly you wont be able to get that. Ms. Sue passed away so I suggest asking your teachers for help or get a tutor.

Have a good day and please avoid cheating, the consequences are not pretty. <3

User Icon for RIPMS.SUE RIPMS.SUE answered
3 years ago

Y'all know Ms.Sue is dead, right???

User Icon for chicken little chicken little answered
2 years ago

Which nonfiction genre teaches the reader a process?


The platypus is an Australian mammal that is not easily classified. It is one of only two mammals (the other being the echidna) that bears young by laying eggs. In some respects, the platypus resembles a duck; both have webbed feet and bills. The platypus has a tail like a beaver’s and a furry body similar to an otter’s. Its unusual hybrid of body parts makes it well-suited for its largely aquatic life. The platypus uses its webbed feet to paddle through water, and its tail serves as a kind of rudder for steering. While underwater, the platypus uses its bill to scoop up bits of food, such as insects and shellfish, from the water’s bottom. The platypus also scoops up bits of gravel, which grind up the food, as the platypus is toothless. The platypus stores the food and gravel in its cheeks until it reaches the water’s surface. Once the platypus surfaces, it consumes its meal.

Which sentence describes the main idea?

(1 point)

The platypus uses an interesting method to consume its meals.
The platypus has features similar to an otter and a beaver.
The platypus lives in Australia.
The platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique.*

It happens way too often: oil leaking from wells beneath the ocean or tankers spilling their cargo into the waves. One disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, called the Tyler spill, has been leaking hundreds of barrels of oil per day into the ocean for the past 14 years. While safety has not been made a priority, something can be done to clean up oil spills that does not involve pouring chemical cleanup agents into the already polluted waters. The question is, when will the oil industry embrace this effective, safe method?

Which sentence best summarizes the text?
There is a smart solution to the ongoing problem of oil spills the industry should use.
There is no reason that oil spills occur as often as they do.
The oil industry should focus on the fastest way to clean up oil spills.*
The oil industry needs to work more more efficiently.

Many people believe a European named Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. However, Gutenberg’s press was actually building on inventions that appeared centuries earlier in China.

What is the connection between the ideas in these sentences?
cause and effect
problem and solution

A Buddhist book called The Diamond Sutra, printed around 868 C.E., is the oldest known printed book. It was printed using page-sized panels of wood blocks. These blocks were carved by hand with Chinese characters shown in reverse.
Which word or phrase describes the relationship between the ideas in the sentences?
cause and effect
problem and solution

All around the world, millions of people watch hundreds of new movies each year. Most people are aware that these movies have actors and actresses, directors, stunt doubles, and camera operators. But have you ever wondered how the crack of a bat in a baseball scene sounds so authentic even though the camera must be dozens of feet away?

Which word means the same as authentic as it is used in the paragraph?

You may not think earthquakes and volcanoes can go together, but they are unlikely friends, creating sensations under the earth’s surface. Most earthquakes occur because of the movement of tectonic plates previously described. Sometimes earthquakes happen below a volcano. This happens because magma, which is hot molten rock beneath the earth’s surface, pushes on rock until it breaks the rock and seeps into it. Then, the magma builds more pressure until it leaks more magma into the crack. Little earthquakes happen each time the rock breaks and lets in more magma. These little earthquakes are too small to feel. They are called harmonic tremors, perhaps because of their constant release of energy, like one long song played underground
What does the analogy "they are called harmonic tremors, perhaps because of their constant release of energy, like one long song played underground" from the paragraph mean?

Much like background music, little earthquakes tremor underground without much notice. *

The tremors from small earthquakes follow unpredictable patterns, unlike musical meter.

when little earthquakes occur, they make sounds similar to music.

The same amount of energy is released by music and small earthquakes.

Why would a student include an allusion to Albert Einstein, an accomplished scientist with a famously bad memory, in a paper about how people learn?
to show that memorization is important to everyone
to show how remembering something is not as important as understanding it**
to show that memorization is important when learning something new
to show how famous people are remembered

"Mary is such a quiet child," said Aunt Lydia. "It makes me wonder what will become of her."
Which word would give the sentence a negative tone if it replaced the word quiet?

The crowd gathered around a chain-link fence and waited for the show to begin. The artist approached the large tree stump and powered up his chainsaw with a loud roar. Everyone was startled even though they knew the sound was coming. Swinging the saw in rhythmic motions and lunging forward to make quick stabs at the wood, the artist began to create an image. The people in the crowd turned their heads and squinted their eyes, trying to make out what shape the sculpture would take. Time passed quickly and the buzz of the saw dominated the scene for most of the afternoon. Then, just as the evening light softened the forest, the artist set down his saw and touched the face of the giant grizzly bear with his bare hand.
Which piece of evidence from the paragraph supports the inference that the artist is inspired by nature?
He likes to be hands-on with his work..
His work requires physical strength.
He carves animals out of wood.
He performs in front of a crowd.**

What is the most likely purpose for writing an explanatory article in third-person point of view that includes many facts and details about a topic?

to entertain the reader
to express an opinion
to inform****
to persuade
the rest are short answers so i am not able to give them to you check your answer befor you answer ok chicken little out my cousin gose to yall school and i was helping him she said i can post it

User Icon for chicken little cousin chicken little cousin answered
2 years ago

i got an 100

User Icon for chicken little cousin chicken little cousin answered
2 years ago

my cousin helped me she even did the rest of my work and i got 100 eny questions ask

User Icon for Letty Letty answered
2 years ago

Ya'll all lying at this point

User Icon for cupcakegaming cupcakegaming answered
2 years ago



User Icon for croc croc answered
1 year ago

Language Arts 8B Unit 14 Test Correction

Unit 14 Lesson 14 Research and Present Test
What is your LA teacher's last name?
What is your last name?
What is your first name?

1. (2 points) Define "search term":
Ocean pollution is caused by the introduction of toxic materials and harmful pollutants such as agricultural and industrial waste, chemicals, oil spills, and plastic litter into the ocean waters
2. (2 points) Give at least 2 search terms you can use to find information on your topic:
Some long term effects of ocean pollution include: Marine animals harmed: Pollution such as oil spills and debris can cause irreversible damage to marine life. Depletion of oxygen in seawater: Excess debris is entering the ocean. To degrade trash, oxygen is consumed. As a result, there are lower oxygen levels in the sea.Some long term effects of ocean pollution include: Marine animals harmed: Pollution such as oil spills and debris can cause irreversible damage to marine life. Depletion of oxygen in seawater: Excess debris is entering the ocean. To degrade trash, oxygen is consumed. As a result, there are lower oxygen levels in the sea.Over the last few decades, excessive human activities have severely affected marine life on the Earth’s oceans. Ocean pollution, also known as marine pollution, is the spreading of harmful substances such as oil, plastic, industrial and agricultural waste and chemical particles into the ocean.
3. (2 points) Next, you need to refine your search terms. What should you to do to improve the terms you gave in your answer above?
i think i should edit it a little
4. (4 points)
Captionless Image
1. find and learn how to play an instrument 2.then you should at least practise 3. onse you do step 2 you can try performing in comuinty event 4. c. sense you fowlode all the step u are ready to perform
5. (4 points)
Captionless Image
Source A
Source B
Source C
Source D
6. (2 points)
Captionless Image
This form was created inside of Texas Connections Academy @ Houston.

User Icon for croc croc answered
1 year ago

On the KWLQ chart, which columns do you write in during your reading?(1 point)


User Icon for A A answered
1 year ago
