3. write three ratios equal to 5/40

- 2/14, 3/21, 4/28
- 1/8, 2/16, 3/27
- 5/40, 5/45, 5/50

5. write a u nit rate for the situation. round to the nearest hundreth if nesisaary:
traveling 426 miles in 7 hours
- 85.2 miles/hour
- 71 miles/hour
- 0.0426 miles/hours
- 60/86 miles

6. population density is the number of people per nit of area. what is the popilation density of a astate that has 1,627,260 peo ple in 1,490 square miles? roound tp the nearest whole number.
- 10.521 people per square mile
- 1.050 people pr square mile
-1,092 pepel per square mile
- 109 people per square mile

11 determine which ratio forms a proportion with 9/5 by finding a common multiplyer
- 54/30
- 45/50
- 90/20

12. determine which ratio forms a propertion with 10/6 by using cross products.
- 15/12
- 30/9
- 20/9
- 30/18

13. which ratios can form a proportion?
- 4/3, 3/4
- 6/36, 5/30
-10/16, 16/24
-27/15, 11/31

User Icon for Ms Pi 3.14159265358979323 Ms Pi 3.14159265358979323 answered
4 years ago

A tutor can check your work.... but first you must try the questions.

User Icon for aegeyo aegeyo answered
4 years ago

@Ms Pi 3.1415926535897... i have and it keeps getting wrong

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
4 years ago

aegeyo, you'll need to post how YOU calculated each one, even if it was wrong. That way, Ms Pi will be able to figure out how to help you.

User Icon for IDC IDC answered
3 years ago

Just Put the answer jesus christ

User Icon for IDC IDC answered
3 years ago

382 people seen this somone has to know the ******* answrrs

User Icon for hello hello answered
3 years ago

for #3 i got B but this may be wrong I havent finished yet

User Icon for hello hello answered
3 years ago

on ratios,rates and porportion!

User Icon for Kylie Kylie answered
3 years ago

It’s B

User Icon for Hiiiiiiiiii Hiiiiiiiiii answered
3 years ago

3. B


6. C not sure

11. A

12. D

13. C

I hope this helps!

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
3 years ago

I believe its 1/8. 2/16. 3/27. I will tell you if it's right when I submit

User Icon for lost lost answered
2 years ago

well is it right

User Icon for roster head! roster head! answered
2 years ago

well I don't have all the answers only the first two so far but I will try to post what I know when I get a fair amount done.

-roster head! aka Kuroo Tetsurou

User Icon for Glizzyglizgliz Glizzyglizgliz answered
2 years ago

1. Write a ratio for the situation in three ways, comparing the first quantity to the second quantity.

B: 17 to 12, 17:12,17/12

2. Write a ratio for the situation in three ways, comparing the first quantity to the second quantity.

In Largo City, about one in every nine homes contains four televisions.

A: 1 to 9, 1:9, 1/9

3. Write three ratios equal to 5/40

B: 1/8, 2/16, 3/24

4. Jake sold 28 tickets to the school fair, and Jeanne sold 21 tickets. What is the ratio, in simplest
form, of the number of tickets Jeanne sold to the number of tickets Jake sold?

A: 3/4

5. Write a unit rate for the situation. Round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.

traveling 212 km in 6 h

B: 35.33

6. Population density is the number of people per unit of area. What is the population density of a state that has 1,329,192 people in 35,385 square miles? Round to the nearest whole number.

A: 38 people per square mile

7. Use the unit price to find the total price.

9 gallons at $1.92 per gallon

C: $17.28

8. Fresh Side Grocery sells 7 bagels for $4.41. Value Mart sells 5 bagels for $3.60. How do the
unit rates compare?

A: The bagels at Fresh Side Grocery are $0.09 less expensive than the bagels at Value Mart.

9. Which is the best buy?

A: $10.88 for 7 cans of tuna

10. Determine which ratio forms a proportion with
24/28 by writing the ratio in simplest form

B: 6/7

11. Determine which ratio forms a proportion with
7/2 by finding a common multiplier.

B: 70/20

12. Determine which ratio forms a proportion with
15/8 by using cross products.

C: 60/32

13. Which ratios can form a proportion?

A: 9/45, 8/40

14. Drinking 7 fluid ounces of milk provides 236.25 milligrams of calcium. How many fluid
ounces of milk are required to provide 67.5 milligrams of calcium? Round to the nearest tenth.

B: 2.0 fluid ounces

15. A machine takes 4.2 hours to make 7 parts. At that rate, how many parts can the machine make in 28.8 hours?

A: 48 parts

16. In a survey, three out of seven people named blue as their favorite color. One out of six named
red. If 1,092 people were included in the survey, how many named neither blue nor red as their
favorite color?

C: 442 people

17. 21 miles/49 hours 15 miles/n hours


18. 3.8/2.6 = y/6.2

D. 9.30

19. Determine whether the triangles below are similar.

A: yes, because the corresponding angles are congruent and the corresponding sides are

20. The triangles below are similar. Find the value of x.

C: 7.2

21. A 12-foot basketball hoop has a shadow 9.6 ft long. How long is the shadow of a 6-ft adult
standing next to the basketball hoop? Note: Diagram is not to scale.

B: 4.8 ft

22. In the scale drawing below, each side is 38 cm long. Use the scale factor shown. What is the
perimeter of the actual object?

A: 12.35

23. Los Angeles is about 385 miles from San Francisco. How far apart would the cities be on a
map with a scale of 1 in. = 20 mi? If necessary, round to the nearest hundredth.

D: 19.25 in.

24. Two towns that are 47.5 km apart are 5 cm apart on a map. What is the scale of the map?

B: 1 cm = 9.5 km

Remember your answers could be different from mine. Use They/They when mentioning me.

User Icon for A Person A Person answered
2 years ago

Thanks, Glizzy.

User Icon for Prism Prism answered
2 years ago

Glizzy isnt 100% write for everyone who comes here. Because the questions change sometimes.

User Icon for texan connections texan connections answered
1 year ago

if you guys want an 83.3% on the test. the answers are below.

1. A zoo has 19 monkeys and 10 chimps.

(the answer IS NOT 10 to 19, 10:19, 10/19)

2. In Largo city, about one in every 9 homes contains 4 TVs
a. 1 to 9, 1:9, 1/9

3. ratios equal to 5/40
b. 1/8, 2/16, 3/24

4. Jake sold 39 tickets to the world fair and Jeanenne sold 12 what is the ratio?

(NOT 13/4)

5. traveling 212km in 6h
b. 35.33km/h

6. pop density in a state w/ 1,627,260 in 1,490 sq miles?
c. 1, 092 people

7. 7 gallons at 1.88$
D. 13.16

8. store sells 11 bagels for 9.57$. Store B sells 4 for 3.52$
b. 0.01 LESS expensive

9. best buy?
c. 14.11$ for 9 boxes of tissues

10. 20/24 simplest form
c. 5/6

11. 7/2 ratio form?
b. 70/20

12. 10/6 ratio form?

13. which ratios form a proportion
a. 9/45, 8/40

14. drinking 8fl oun provides 270ml
a. 2.1 fl

15. 4.2 hrs makes 7 parts how parts in 28.8 hrs?
a. 48 parts

16. 4 out of 7 ppl blue as fav color. 1 out of 3 nmed red. if 1,092 ppl ....
104 ppl

17. 12 miles / 27 hours = 4 miles/x hours
c. 9

18. 5.2/3.5 = y/7.5
b. 11.14

19. determine triangles similar

( NOT yes because corresponding angels are congruent)

20. find value of x
a. 9

21. 12ft flagpole. karen is 5ft. the shadow is 4ft
c. 9.6

22. 1.29cm long. 1cm=6.5m

(NOT 61.675)

23. LA 385 miles from SAFR. 1in = 25 mi?
a. 15.4 in

24. 2 towns 47.5 km
1cm = 9.5 km

User Icon for Connexus Connexus answered
1 year ago

Yo anyone else got the union city question instead of the largo city one?

1 year ago

The Thing is none of the answers are accurate because for one the questions change! like mine Jake sold 36, but people are saying 39 or 26 so there's no way if it's actually right. I suggest go to brainly.