16-20: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.
Dynamic Link Libraries
Windows provides several files called dynamic link libraries (DILLS) that contain collections of software code that perform common functions such as opening or saving a file. When Windows application wants to use one of those functions or routines, the app sends a message to Windows with the names of the DLL file and the function. This procedure is known as calling a function. One of the most frequently used DILLS is Windows COMMDLG.DLL, which includes, among others the functions to display File Open, File Save, Search, and Print dialog boxes.
The application also sends any information the DILL function will need to complete the operation. For example, a program calling the Open File function in COMMDLG.DLL would pass along a file spec, such as *.* or *.DOC, to be displayed in the dialog box's Filename text box. The application also passes along a specification for the type of information it expects the DLL to return to the application when the DLL's work is done. The application, for example, may expect return information in the form of integers, truelfalse values, or text. Windows passes the responsibility for program execution to the DILL, along with the parameters and return information the DLL will need.
The specific DILL is loaded into memory, and then executed by the processor. At this point the DILL, rather than the application, is running things. The DLL performs all the operations necessary to communicate with Windows and, through Windows, with the PC's hardware. After the DLL function is complete, the DLL puts the return information into memory, where it can be found by the application, and instructs Windows to remove the DILL routine from memory. The application inspects the return information, which usually tells whether the DLL function was able to execute correctly. If the operation was a success, the application continues from where it left off before issuing the function call. If the operation failed, the application displays an error message.
16) By using DILLS, Windows
A) Saves processing time
B) Multitasks
C) Shares program code
D) Communicates with PC's hardware
17) To use any routine of a DILL, Windows
A) Searches and copies it in the application code and executes it
B) Loads the OLL file and searches and executes the routine
C) Loads just the required routine in memory and executes it
D) Searches the location of the routine and instructs the application to execute it
18) Which Information does an application needs to pass to Windows, to use a DILL routine?
A) Just the name of the routine
B) Just the name of the DLL, which finds the routine to be executed in return
C) Both the name of the routine as well as DLL and any parameters
D) Name of the DLL, routine, any parameters and type of information to be returned
19) According to the passage, while the DLL routine is executing, the calling application
A) Waits for the routine to execute
B) Continues with other tasks
C) Helps the DLL routine perform by communicating with Windows and through Windows with the PC's hardware D) Passes all responsibility of program execution to the DILL and is removed from memory
20) The DLL function after execution,
A) Returns the parameters and information into memory, where it can be inspected by the calling application B) Returns information into memory, where it can be inspected by the calling application C) Returns to the calling application the information required by it so that it can inspect it D) Returns the information required into memory so that IDLL can inspect whether the function operation was a success
6 answers
these are my answers plz check it
Many are true, but only one gives an advantage of using DLL's.
You'll have to read further (more than the paragraph where the keyword is found) to get the answer.
Consider carefully the other answers.
Read carefully the possible answers. They are very similar but all different. Who inspects the information returned?
16.c (DLL will not directly Communicates with PC's hardware)
plz check it
17 c
18 d
19 c
20 b
Can someone let me know if my answers are correct ?