Please check my answers.

Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.06 MC]

Which answer best describes how the Supreme Court viewed Maryland's taxing of the national bank created after the War of 1812?

The Supreme Court decided Maryland was within its rights as a state.
The Supreme Court decided Maryland had created the model for state governments.
The Supreme Court decided Maryland had challenged the authority of federal power.
The Supreme Court decided Maryland used implied power over the federal government.

Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.01 MC]

Which of the following is an effect of the assembly line?

It made workers want to return to farms.
It made clothing more expensive to produce.
It increased demands for worker compensation.
It drove down the cost of producing clothing.

Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.04 MC]

Why would a Seminole not like the United States honoring the memory of Andrew Jackson?

He fought wars against them and eventually forced them to move to Oklahoma.
He fought wars against them and prospected for natural gas in Seminole lands.
He forced Seminoles to grow cotton and eventually made them move to Oklahoma.
He forced Seminoles to grow cotton and prospected for natural gas in Seminole lands.

Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.06 LC]

Which answer correctly summarizes the case of Gibbons v. Ogden?

Gibbons v. Ogden was a Supreme Court case about federal taxation.
Gibbons v. Ogden was a Supreme Court case about state taxation.
Gibbons v. Ogden was a Supreme Court case about intrastate commerce.
Gibbons v. Ogden was a Supreme Court case about interstate commerce.

Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.05 LC]

Which of the following best describes Andrew Jackson's view of federal government?

He felt that the federal government should be able to control state finances.
He felt that state government should be able to control economic activity.
He did not think that involvement by federal government was in issue in the United States.
He did not think that the states could manage their own matter and must be overseen by the federal government.

Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.03 MC]

Use the text below to answer the following question:

Case study: The Very Big Apple
With over eight million people, New York City is the most heavily populated city in the U.S. Between 1800 and 1900, the population of New York increased from about 80,000 to over three million people. In the years after the Civil War, the population of New York City tripled. With a large influx of European immigrants New York became known as the "melting pot." New York has always had the highest population density of any U.S. city. According to the 2000 census, New York City has about 26,403 people per square mile—almost twice the number of people per mile as Chicago.

Based on the statistics in the text and your knowledge, which of the following best describes what life might have been like for most immigrants living in New York City in the 1880s?

They created businesses and factories that made them very rich.
They found work easily and were able to provide many things for their families.
They often lived in overcrowded neighborhoods with poor sanitation and disease.
They had many new opportunities for education and attended museums and plays.

Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.06 LC]

Which of the following required land to be paid for in gold or silver, instead of paper money?

The Tariff of 1828
The Specie Circular
The Corrupt Bargain
The Nullification Convention

Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.01 LC]

How did farmers in New England respond to the Industrial Revolution?

Most farmers began to specialize in single crops in response to greater manufacturing needs.
Farmers benefitted from the population increase—more people meant a greater need for food.
Because of poor soil in the area, farmers were willing to leave their farms to work in the factories.
The new machines meant many farmers lost their jobs, and they were forced to move to other areas.

Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.01 MC]

What was the main benefit of the factory system?

It cut costs and made workers more efficient.
It gave people their first chance to support themselves.
It reduced pollution caused by family-based power sources.
It increased the value of the workers and as a result, salaries rose.

Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.04 MC]

How did people in the North use natural resources differently than people in the South?

They were more industrial, while Southerners were more agricultural.
They protected their natural resources better than the Southerners.
They used their own natural resources to run their factories and farms.
They were more agricultural, while Southerners were more industrial.

Question 11(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.04 MC]

Which factor contributed most to Florida becoming a U.S. territory?

The outcome of the Seminole Wars
The weakening of Spain's hold over its colonial possessions
The desire of Southern politicians to expand slavery into new territories
The development of the Gulf of Mexico as an important commercial waterway

Question 12(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.04 LC]

If a positive factor for harvesting trees is encouraging local industry, a negative could be

loss of habitat
mining accidents
water pollution

Question 13(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.01 LC]

Which answer correctly explains why most factories were located along the eastern coast?

The first factories took over ship building areas.
Shipping companies were the first to switch to factory building.
Early factories needed sea water for processing raw materials.
Sea ports facilitated shipping goods and receiving raw materials.

Question 14(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.05 MC]

Use the following text from the Twelfth Amendment to answer the following question:

The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.

The Twelfth Amendment is used under which of the following circumstances?

The Electoral College cannot function because of issues at the state level.
A sitting House of Representatives cannot choose a Speaker in a timely manner.
A presidential election does not give a majority of Electoral College votes to one candidate.
The popular vote results in a near tie between two or more presidential candidates.

Question 15(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.01 LC]

Who helped launch the factory system in the United States?

Eli Whitney
Samuel Slater
Francis Cabot Lowell
Henry Ford

Question 16(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.05 MC]

Excerpts from First Inaugural Address of Andrew Jackson:

"... In administering the laws of Congress I shall keep steadily in view the limitations as well as the extent of the Executive power trusting thereby to discharge the functions of my office without transcending its authority. ...
In such measures as I may be called on to pursue in regard to the rights of the separate States I hope to be animated by a proper respect for those sovereign members of our Union, ...
This I shall aim at the more anxiously both because it will facilitate the extinguishment of the national debt, the unnecessary duration of which is incompatible with real independence, ...
that the spirit of equity, caution and compromise in which the Constitution was formed requires that the great interests of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures should be equally favored ...
As long as our Government is administered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will; as long as it secures to us the rights of person and of property, liberty of conscience and of the press, it will be worth defending ..."

Review section 5. Which answer correctly summarizes Jackson's key issue in that section?
Liberty and personal freedoms should be protected.
The current government is not worth protecting.
People are the primary strength of any government.
Government has little power without the will of the people.

Question 17(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.02 MC]

During the early 1800s, what did New England's textile industry and cotton farming in the South have in common?

Changes in technology led to increased production in both regions.
Children worked in the textile industry; slaves of all ages worked in the South.
New inventions increased the quality of life for textile workers and cotton farmers.
Unskilled labor was cheaper in the North than in the South.

Question 18(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.03 HC]

Use the text below to answer the following question:

Case study: The Very Big Apple
With over eight million people, New York City is the most heavily populated city in the U.S. Between 1800 and 1900, the population of New York increased from about 80,000 to over three million people. In the years after the Civil War, the population of New York City tripled. With a large influx of European immigrants New York became known as the "melting pot." New York has always had the highest population density of any U.S. city. According to the 2000 census, New York City has about 26,403 people per square mile—almost twice the number of people per mile as Chicago.

In the years after the Civil War, the population of New York City tripled. What can you infer about why there was such a large increase in the population?

People migrated from smaller towns to cities to find work.
People felt that rural areas were no longer a safe place to live.
People were interested in the culture that was available in cities.
People moved closer together to show that the country was united.

Question 19(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.01 MC]

What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on families?

People moved to the cities for factory jobs.
People moved south to pick cotton on farms.
Women kept house rather than working on farms.
People moved closer to ports to find work on ships.

Question 20(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.06 MC]

Which of the following best describes a consequence that Specie Circular had in the United States?

It caused the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 to be passed.
It caused widespread panic and started a depression.
It caused an increase in the use and printing of paper money.
It caused people to vote against John Quincy Adams in the 1828 election.


User Icon for Reed Reed answered
7 years ago

I'm not going to spend all morning scrolling up and down to match your answers to the questions, and especially when your questions are not numbered to match the numbers of the answers. Put your answer WITH the question, and please only ask for checks on those questions you are unsure about, not the whole quiz or review exercise.

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
7 years ago

Reed is right. You need to pare this down to the 4 or 5 you are definitely not sure of AND put your answer choice WITH each question.

This thread will disappear, either soon or overnight, because different schools and/or publishers regularly contact Jiskha's owner to delete whole tests or any other entire lesson or work that they have copyrighted.

Be aware.

User Icon for Anon Anon answered
6 years ago

"This thread will disappear, either soon or overnight" - Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 11:06am LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

User Icon for Nanii Fortuna Nanii Fortuna answered
6 years ago

LMFAO @Anon i thought the same

User Icon for noooo noooo answered
6 years ago

this site is for answering questions. don't reply to them complaining about their questions lmao

User Icon for my_name_is_Jeff my_name_is_Jeff answered
5 years ago


User Icon for joe mama joe mama answered
4 years ago

thread still not deleted

User Icon for Kayleigh JOnes Kayleigh JOnes answered
3 years ago


yall being rude for no reason, yes this site is for answering questions but they lead people to the right answers. I LOVE YOU MS SUE AND REED

User Icon for Urmom Urmom answered
3 years ago

Yo anybody still need answers?

User Icon for hope hope answered
3 years ago


have a great day. LOLLL

User Icon for Lily Milers Lily Milers answered
3 years ago

plz tell me the answer to question 2

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
3 years ago


User Icon for DEALS DEALS answered
3 years ago

so nobody going to answer?

User Icon for jesus jesus answered
3 years ago

im doing this exact test rn

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
3 years ago

are yall drunk he did

User Icon for Anonymous#1 Anonymous#1 answered
3 years ago

if your not going to help do not put lol especially spamming lol it's just annoying.

if you agree just like it.👍

User Icon for 先生。好人 先生。好人 answered
3 years ago


User Icon for 範約 範約 answered
3 years ago


User Icon for lexa was here lexa was here answered
3 years ago

lol it's still not been deleted

User Icon for cassie cassie answered
3 years ago one going to response...? i am going to die if i dont get the answer

User Icon for Moka Moka answered
3 years ago

Uhm Ill see if i can find the answer for you :3

User Icon for Jonah Jonah answered
3 years ago


User Icon for pencil pencil answered
2 years ago

help i need the answers lol

User Icon for deeznu deeznu answered
2 years ago

still aint deleted lol