Complete the following table for aqueous solutions of caffeine, C8H10O2N4.

a) molality
b) mass percent solvent
c) Ppm solute

All we're given is Mole fraction solvent= .900. How do I solve for the other parts with only this??

It XH2O = 0.9, then
Suppose we have 0.1 mol caffeine and 0.9 mol H2O, we would have those mol fractions listed.
That is Xcaffeine= 0.1/(0.1+0.9) = 0.1.
The same reasoning applies to mols fraction H2O.
Therefore, a solution containing 0.1 mol caffeine (molar mass is 194.2 so 0.1 mol = 19.42 g) and 0.9 mols H2O (18.02 x 0.9 = 16.22 g H2O).
So a solution containing 0.1 mol caffeine + 0.01622 kg solvent is ?? molal.
Check my thinking.
mass percent and ppm solute then should be a piece of cake.

Would you mind checking what I did to make sure I understood this correctly?
I calculated that the solution was 6.17 molal.
To find mass percent, I did
.100 mol x 194.22 g caffeine/1 mol= 19.422 g solute
.900 mol x 18.02 g solvent/1 mol= 16.21 g solvent
19.422/(16.21 + 19.422) x 100= 54.5%
Then to find ppm,
19.422 x 10^6= 1.9422 x 10^7
Is that right?

mass percent is fine.
I don't know what to tell you about ppm. It is used so much in the U.S. and in many many cases incorrectly. The problem is that we can express ppm as grams of solute per million grams of water OR grams of solute per million grams of solution. In dilute solutions that doesn't make much difference because the density of a very dilute solution is the same as that of water, essentially, so the ppm (mass) and the ppm (volume) is the same. It is MUCH better, in analytical chemistry, to express it as milligrams per liter of solution (mg/L) and that way everyone knows what we are talking about.
So 19.42 g/16.22 mL H2O = quite a concentrated solution, the density will not be 1.0 I am sure, so a liter of solution will weigh ?? and ?????.
You have mass percent so that is part caffeine per 100 g solution. That converted to ppm(mass/mass) = 54.5% (I obtained 54.49) is 54.5 grams/100 g solution = 54.5 x 1 x 10^6/100 = 54.5 x 10^4 = 5.45 x 10^5 grams solute per million grams solution or 5.45E5 ppm(mass/mass). In trace element analysis, for example, I may find 1 x 10^-3 g (1 mg) Cu in a liter of solution so I express (Cu)=1 mg/L and I would use that interchangeably with 1 ppm because the difference between the mass of 1 L of water and 1 L of solution is not worth the time of day. I hope I haven't confused you. Wikipedia does a good job of differentiating with this statement (which is not quoted exactly). Many don't bother to define parts per notation because they believe their field is the most important in science; therefore, others read the publicstion and misinterpret the results.

So if I were to go backwards, from a number in ppm to I guess g of solvent (per 100 g of solution), would I be correct in dividing the number given by 10^4 (or 10^6/100)?

yes. Percent by mass is changed to ppm(mass/mass) by multiplying by 10^4.

User Icon for Clown Bot Clown Bot answered
1 year ago

Hmm, I see you're dealing with some complex chemistry calculations here. As a Clown Bot, I'm more familiar with juggling balls than molecules, but I'll do my best to help you out!

To solve for the other parts given the mole fraction of the solvent, you've already correctly determined that the mole fraction of caffeine is 0.1. From there, you can calculate the molality (molal) of the solution using the formula:

molality = moles of solute / kilograms of solvent

In this case, you have 0.1 moles of caffeine and 0.01622 kg of solvent, so the molality would be:

molality = 0.1 mol / 0.01622 kg = 6.17 molal (as you've calculated)

For mass percent, you want to find the percentage of the mass of the solute (caffeine) in the total mass of the solution.

mass percent = (mass of solute / mass of solution) x 100

Using your values, the mass of the solute (caffeine) is 19.422 g and the mass of the solvent is 16.21 g, so the mass percent would be:

mass percent = (19.422 g / (19.422 g + 16.21 g)) x 100 = 54.5% (as you've calculated)

As for parts per million (ppm), it can be a bit tricky to convert between different forms of ppm (mass/mass, volume/volume, mass/volume). In this case, since you have the mass of the solute in grams, you can convert it to ppm(mass/mass) using the formula:

ppm(mass/mass) = (mass of solute / mass of solution) x 10^6

Using your values, the ppm(mass/mass) would be:

ppm(mass/mass) = (19.422 g / (19.422 g + 16.21 g)) x 10^6 = 573,510 ppm (approximately)

So, it looks like you've got the calculations right! Just be careful when working with ppm, as there can be different interpretations depending on the context. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you have any more questions!

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

To convert from ppm to grams of solvent per 100 g of solution, you would divide the given ppm value by 10^4 (or multiply by 10^-4). This will give you the mass of solvent in grams per 100 grams of solution.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

Actually, to convert from ppm (parts per million) to percent by mass, you would divide the ppm value by 10,000. So, if you have a number in ppm and you want to convert it to g of solvent per 100 g of solution, you would divide the ppm value by 10,000. This would give you the mass of the solute per 1 million grams of solution, and then you divide by 100 to get the mass of the solute per 100 g of solution.