5, which statement best explains how the conflict over tariff of 1828 was resolved

The US Supreme Court ruled against the tariff
Daniel Webster gav a speech to the Senate and the tariff was repealed
South Carolina passed the nullification Act which canceled the tariff outright ***
Henry clay proposed to compromise tariff that eventually ceased tensions

6, How did John Calhoun react to the tariff of 1828

He used his power as vice president to influence President Jackson to oppose the tariff***
He led a charge to impose stricter regulations on the second bank of the United states
He devised a force bill allowing the president the right to use the army to enforce the tariff
He claimed that states had the right to cancel any federal law deemed unconstitutional

7, What trend can you find in the United States early years?

An increasing number of states seceding from the Union
A gradual weakening of the federal government's power*****
A growth in support for a the federal government in the North
A series of challenges to the power of the federal government

8, How did the Indian removal Act of 1830
Go against the Worcester vs Georgia ruling

It extended w military campaign against native American people who had farm land
It nullified all previous treaties that protected the interests of Georgians against cherokees
It was a law banning native American groups from owning land with in the borders of any us state*****
It ignored that fact that Indian lands were sovereign and not technically part of the US

PLEASE HELP!!! can someone check my answers and correct which ones are wrong

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
7 years ago

5 is right. The others are wrong.

User Icon for Reed Reed answered
7 years ago

I suspect you have not read your text materials. Read the or re-read them, carefully, with these questions in mind. The info you seek is there for you to find it.

User Icon for idk my name idk my name answered
7 years ago

what are the answers?

User Icon for courtney courtney answered
7 years ago

the u.s superme court ruled against the tariff

User Icon for Bruh Bruh answered
6 years ago

What Are All the other Answers

User Icon for Bruh Bruh answered
6 years ago

For Unit 6 Lesson 9

User Icon for Caring Person Caring Person answered
6 years ago

Ms sue you are wrong, number five is D. Because Henry Clay supposed a lower tariff, which Jackson liked.

User Icon for Boo Boo answered
5 years ago

Caring Person is correct, the answer is D for "Which statement best explains how the conflict over the Tariff of 1828 was resolved?"

User Icon for horse girl horse girl answered
4 years ago

so whats the answer to number 6.

User Icon for horse girl horse girl answered
4 years ago

and 7

User Icon for Ree Kid Ree Kid answered
4 years ago

Rip Ms. Sue

User Icon for idk idk answered
4 years ago

what are the answers tho

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
2 years ago

I’m pretty sure it’s b

User Icon for mj mj answered
2 years ago


User Icon for JAKE JAKE answered
1 year ago



1. Henry clay proposed a compromise tariff**

2. Adams supported efforts to promote the growth of businesses, while Jackson supported efforts to help the ordinary man.**

3. Some settlers loaded their animals and wagons on flatboats to float down rivers.**

4. Some felt he had used his power inappropriately in vetoing legislation to recharter the Bank.**

5. Andrew Jackson opposed the renewal of the bank.**

6. It ignored that fact that Native American lands were sovereign and not technically part of the United States.**

7. John C. Calhoun**

8. He claimed that states had the right to cancel any federal law deemed unconstitutional.**

9. It shows the long distances they were forced to walk to reach their designated lands.**


10. The United States annexed Texas.**

11. It encouraged Texans to plead with the United States for support.**

12. It encouraged Texans to plead with the United States for support.**

13. It gave the United States territory known as the Mexican Cession.**

14. If the United States annexed Texas, slave states would almost certainly outnumber free states.**