(The sign "*" means that's my answer I chose for the question)

Part A What is the basic independent unit of world politics?

a) country
b) province
c) nation*
d) organization

Part B Which of the following groups is an example of the basic unit you selected in the previous question?

a) people who share a common language
b) people who choose to live near each other
c) people who share the same political values*
d) people who live together under a sovereign government

2. Which of the following sentences best describes the role of the United Nations in world affairs?

a) It ensures that everyone follows treaties
b) It maintains good relations and keeps discussions open
c) It mediates conflicts and supports international projects
d) It provides a common defence against large aggressive nations*

3. Which of the following governments has unlimited power?

a) unitary presidency*
b) socialist oligarchy
c) parliamentary system
d) constitutional monarchy

4. Which of the following is an example of civic, rather than private, life?

a) working
b) volunteering*
c) taking classes
d) meeting with friends

5. Which of the following Americans values was expressed by Lincoln in this excerpt?

"Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not that we be not judged."

a) free speech
b) self-reliance
c) religious freedom*
d) limited government

6. How is the government of Britain unlike that of the United States?

a) The British government is bound by the rule of law
b) The British federal government has power over the states*
c) The leader of Britain is chosen by the legislature
d) The British constitution includes a list of individual rights

7. Which of the following rights are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? Select all that apply.( 2 answers)

a) voting*
b) free speech
c) trial by jury*
d) running for office

8. What is a disadvantage of the checks and balances system?

a) It places too much power in the judicial branch
b) It can make it difficult for any part of the government to enact changes*
c) It can force the president to obey a law that the president feels is unjust
d) It removes power from the House, and therefore from the majority of citizens.

Thank you so much to whoever decides to check my and correct my answers if needed! Be blessed!

User Icon for Damon Damon answered
8 years ago

d) people who live together under a sovereign government

c) It mediates conflicts and supports international projects

b) self-reliance

c) The leader of Britain is chosen by the legislature (Parliament) (Prime Minister)

First Amendment!!!! Congress will make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right..........
voting is in the main text of the Constitution, not the first ten amendments (Bill of Rights)
Yes, trial by jury is in Bill of Rights as well

User Icon for Unknown Unknown answered
8 years ago

The answers that you listed, are they the ones I got wrong?

User Icon for Damon Damon answered
8 years ago

Those were my choices as opposed to your choices.

The First Amendment one I feel strongly about though :) The Bill of Rights starts off with freedom of speech, the very first thing.

User Icon for Unknown Unknown answered
8 years ago

Oh okay! Thank you for the answers that you did give! God Bless you!

User Icon for The Devil King Answers The Devil King Answers answered
8 years ago

3. Which of the following governments has unlimited power?

a) unitary presidency
b) socialist oligarchy*
c) parliamentary system
d) constitutional monarchy

7. Which of the following rights are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? Select all that apply.( 2 answers)

a) voting
b) free speech*
c) trial by jury*
d) running for office

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

Part A: The basic independent unit of world politics is a nation. To answer this question, you need to understand the hierarchy of political entities. A country refers to a specific territory with a government, while a province is a subdivision within a country. An organization is a group formed for a specific purpose. A nation, on the other hand, refers to a group of people who share a common culture, history, language, and often a territory. Therefore, the correct answer is c) nation.

Part B: An example of the basic unit of a nation in the previous question is a group of people who share the same political values. This reflects the idea that a nation is formed by a community of individuals who identify with each other based on shared beliefs and values. While people who share a common language or live under the same government may be part of a nation, it is the shared political values that define the unity of a nation. Therefore, the correct answer is c) people who share the same political values.

2. The United Nations plays a role in maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, and coordinating global collaboration on various issues. To determine the best answer, we need to consider the main function of the United Nations. Option c) "It mediates conflicts and supports international projects" aligns with the diplomatic efforts and peacekeeping initiatives carried out by the UN. Therefore, the correct answer is c) It mediates conflicts and supports international projects.

3. The question asks about a government with unlimited power. To answer this, you need to understand the different types of governmental systems. A unitary presidency refers to a system where power is concentrated in the hands of a single person, typically the president. A socialist oligarchy is a system where a small group of people holds power and controls the means of production. A parliamentary system is a democratic system where the executive branch is accountable to the legislature. A constitutional monarchy is a system where a monarch serves as a ceremonial head of state, and the government operates with a constitution. Among these options, the only one that implies unlimited power is a unitary presidency. Therefore, the correct answer is a) unitary presidency.

4. Civic life refers to activities and engagements that relate to the community and the public sphere rather than personal or private matters. To identify an example of civic life, you need to distinguish it from private life. Working can be both private and civic, depending on the context. Taking classes can also be private or civic, depending on whether the classes are personal hobbies or community-based education programs. Meeting with friends is generally considered a private matter. Volunteering, on the other hand, involves giving one's time and effort for the benefit of the community, making it an example of civic life. Therefore, the correct answer is b) volunteering.

5. To determine the American value expressed by Lincoln in the excerpt, we need to analyze the text. In the excerpt, Lincoln criticizes the idea that people would ask God's assistance in exploiting others for their own gain. He emphasizes the importance of not judging others and implies a value related to religious freedom, highlighting the contradiction of invoking God's aid while engaging in unjust actions. Therefore, the correct answer is c) religious freedom.

6. The question asks for a difference between the government of Britain and that of the United States. The statement that separates the two is option b) "The British federal government has power over the states." In the United States, power is divided between the federal government and the states, with each having their own levels of authority. However, in Britain, there is no federal system, and power is centralized in the national government. Therefore, the correct answer is b) The British federal government has power over the states.

7. The Bill of Rights guarantees various rights and liberties to individuals. To identify the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, you need to understand the content of this document. Voting is indeed a right guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, as it ensures citizens' political participation. Free speech is another right protected by the Bill of Rights, allowing individuals to express their opinions and beliefs. Trial by jury is an essential right, ensuring a fair trial process. Running for office, however, is not specifically mentioned in the Bill of Rights. Therefore, the correct answers are a) voting and c) trial by jury.

8. A disadvantage of the checks and balances system is that it can make it difficult for any part of the government to enact changes. The checks and balances system is designed to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful by allowing each branch to limit the actions of the others. While this ensures a system of accountability and prevents abuses of power, it can also lead to gridlock when the branches disagree and find it challenging to pass new legislation or implement significant changes. Therefore, the correct answer is b) It can make it difficult for any part of the government to enact changes.