* Note to Sra: I saw your replies to my previous post. They were very useful! I am posting a new question as the questions are a different topic.*

Can you please check if I have written these sentences correctly in the affirmative form? I believe that affirmatives are just regular phrases.

1. Elle mange un bonbon.
2. Je regarde un film.
3. Nous finnissons le devoirs.
4. Vous allez à l’ècole.

Negative Form:

1. Elle ne joue pas des sports.
2. Je n'aime pas de chocolat.
3. Elle ne comprends plus cette leçon.
4. Ils ne vont veux rien.


1. Vas-tu bien?
2. Est-ce que tu manges une pomme?
3. Va-t-elle retourner a l'ècole?
4. Qu'est ce que tu fais avec tes amis?

Negative Interrogative?

1. Ne vas-tu bien?
2. Est-ce que tu ne manges une pomme?
3. Ne vat-il retouner a l'ècole?
4. Pourquoi tu ne finis pas le deviors?

I'm not really sure about the Negative Interrogative...

Merci en avance!

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
9 years ago

I'll send this to Sra.

User Icon for SraJMcGin SraJMcGin answered
9 years ago

Affirmative, #3 - don't forget LES with devoirs plural.

Negative, #1. In the negative, try to remember either pas de or pas d'(+ vowel)
#3 Elle is the subject so the verb has no "s" = comprend
#4 Ils ne rien veux (word order)

Interrogative, #3 = à l'école (accent grave and then accent aigu. There are really 3 "e" sounds: e = uh / é = a (first letter of American alphabet) / è = eh. All 3 are in the word "élève.

Negative interrogative, #2 needs the other half of the negative = Est-ce que tu ne manges pas une pomme?
#3 = spelling error in verb = Ne va-t-il retourner à (accent) l'école (accent aigu)
#4, plural + spelling = les devoirs. Also, the best word order is = Pourquoi ne finis-tu pas les devoirs? (or le devoir, either both article & noun singular or plural (not half & half!)

More on Negative Interrogative:
1. A verb is made negative by placing "ne" before it and "pas" after it = ne (verb) pas
2. In the inverted question form, "ne" is placed before the verb while "pas" is placed after the subject pronoun (which is inverted with the verb and attached by a hyphen) = "ne" (verb) + pronoun "pas"
3. The "e" of "ne" is dropped before a voiwel or silent "h" = je n'arrive pas / je n'habitte pas

(It's a pleasure to work with you!)

Sra (aka Mme)

User Icon for Lucina Lucina answered
9 years ago

Thank you SO much Sra :D

User Icon for SraJMcGin SraJMcGin answered
9 years ago

You are most welcome!

Sra (aka Mme)

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

Great job on your sentences! Let's go through each category to verify if they are correct.

Affirmative Form:
1. Elle mange un bonbon. (She eats a candy.)
Correct! This sentence is in affirmative form and conveys a regular action.

2. Je regarde un film. (I watch a movie.)
Correct! This sentence is also in affirmative form and expresses a regular action.

3. Nous finnissons le devoirs. (We finish the homework.)
There is a minor mistake in this sentence. The verb "devoirs" should be singular ("devoir") and it needs the definite article "les." So, the correct sentence should be: "Nous finissons les devoirs." (We finish the homework.)

4. Vous allez à l’ècole. (You go to school.)
Almost there! Just a small correction, "ècole" should be spelled as "école". So, the correct sentence should be: "Vous allez à l'école." (You go to school.)

Negative Form:
1. Elle ne joue pas des sports. (She doesn't play sports.)
Correct! This sentence is in negative form, indicating the absence of the action.

2. Je n'aime pas de chocolat. (I don't like chocolate.)
Correct! This sentence is also in negative form, expressing the absence of preference.

3. Elle ne comprends plus cette leçon. (She doesn't understand this lesson anymore.)
Just a small correction. The verb "comprends" should be spelled as "comprend". So, the correct sentence should be: "Elle ne comprend plus cette leçon." (She doesn't understand this lesson anymore.)

4. Ils ne vont veux rien. (They don't want anything.)
There is an incorrect verb form in this sentence. "Vont veux" should be replaced with "veulent". Additionally, it should be "ne veulent rien". So, the correct sentence should be: "Ils ne veulent rien." (They don't want anything.)

Interrogative Form:
1. Vas-tu bien? (Are you doing well?)
Correct! This sentence is in interrogative form and asks a question.

2. Est-ce que tu manges une pomme? (Do you eat an apple?)
Correct! This sentence is also in interrogative form and seeks information.

3. Va-t-elle retourner a l'ècole? (Is she going to return to school?)
Correct! This sentence is in interrogative form and asks about someone's future action.

4. Qu'est-ce que tu fais avec tes amis? (What do you do with your friends?)
Correct! This sentence is also in interrogative form and asks about someone's activities.

Negative Interrogative Form:
1. Ne vas-tu bien? (Aren't you doing well?)
Correct! This sentence combines both negative and interrogative forms to ask a negative question.

2. Est-ce que tu ne manges une pomme? (Don't you eat an apple?)
Correct! This sentence is also in negative interrogative form.

3. Ne va-t-il retouner a l'ècole? (Isn't he going to return to school?)
Correct! This sentence is in negative interrogative form.

4. Pourquoi ne finis-tu pas le devoir? (Why don't you finish the homework?)
There is a small mistake in this sentence. "Devoirs" should be singular ("devoir") and it needs the definite article "le." So, the correct sentence should be: "Pourquoi ne finis-tu pas le devoir?" (Why don't you finish the homework?)

Great job overall! Just a few minor corrections, but your sentences are clear and well-structured. Keep up the good work!