
Wake up early!
A. ¡Acuéstate temprano!
B. ¡Despiértese temprano!
C. ¡Tú te despiertas temprano!
D. ¡Me despierto temprano!
E. unable to answer
Answer: B

Cuando Luís montaba a caballo, siempre _____________ al suelo.
A. caiga
B. cayó
C. se caía
D. cae
E. unable to answer
Answer: C

Espero que mi amiga me ______________ por teléfono.
A. llame
B. llama
C. llames
D. llamas
E. unable to answer
Answer: C

¿El regalo? Jorge no ____________ dio a mí todavía.
A. se lo
B. me la
C. me lo
D. te lo
E. unable to answer
Answer: D

Jorge me ha dicho que él __________ mañana.
A. vino
B. vendré
C. venir
D. vendrá
E. unable to answer

Ayer mis amigos _____________ al zoológico.
A. fueron
B. iban
C. van
D. fuimos
E. unable to answer
Answer: A

Cada día los empleados _______________ a tiempo a la fábrica.
A. llegabas
B. llegaban
C. llegaron
D. llegó

18 .
El taxi ya __________.
A. vuelvo
B. ha vuelto
C. volvieron
D. he vuelto
E. unable to answer
Answer: C

19. Paco tiene diez años y Pilar tiene quince. Pilar es ____________ Paco.
A. más que
B. menos que
C. mayor que
D. menor que
E. unable to answer
Answer: C

20 .
Isabel estudia mucho ____________ sacar buenas notas.
A. para
B. por
C. porque
D. aunque
E. unable to answer

5 answers

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
Before you post anything, it's best to list the Instructions so we know for sure what you are supposed to do. If there is an example, model, it's best to see that as well.

11. correct

12. Look at the main verb, which is in the Imperfect. Therefore you must also select a Past Tense as well = B. (Preterit for action)

13. Correct that it must be the Subjunctive but this is not direct address; you are not speaking TO that friend. A.

14. You missed the "a mí" and you m ust see that to see that he give "it to m e" = C.

15. correct

16. correct

17. Rather than the Preterit (which translates "they DID, they arrived," "Cada día" implies that it was more than once, but over and over. Therefore, the better answer is B (they USED TO = impliying "over and over."

18. "El taxi" is the subject, so the verb can NOT be plural. "Ya" is often used with the Present Perfect and that's the only an swer with the correct verb ending = B.

19. correct

20. correct

This is a marvelous exercise! I'll flag this and come back later to s ee if you have any questions.

Sra (5/10)
Thank you so much for your help.
The answer on 12. was se caia
However #12 had an error. se caía MUST have an accent mark on the i!
