Gun Control

ISSUE: Permit individuals to buy and use guns given the proper training and knowledge about guns.

I have to come up with two strategies and Under each, I have to explain how I would apply it to your issue.

My first strategy is the cange issue position of people against it so that they agree with me at the end. in order for me to d that, i have to make promises, and use arguments that are symbolic.

do you have an idea of what arguments or promises i can make, like a catchy phrase?

My 2nd strategy is to raise salience(power) by distributing information about the issue.

what are good ideas that I can do. i came up with making pamplets and giving them out in front of a store or something.

any more ideas

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
16 years ago

What arguments have you thought of?

Why should people own guns? If you post your ideas, we can help you go from there.

User Icon for jen jen answered
16 years ago

some arguments i came up with were that people have a right to defend them selves if a situation ever occurs.

if people are worried about criminals buying guns, i say that criminals are dangerous no matter what.

Also, to get support from anti-gun groups, i plan on saying that before owners sell guns to civilians, they have to check for id, and proof that they took classes for training in order to purchase one.

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
16 years ago

Those arguments look good. One catch phrase that's been used a lot is: "People, not guns, kill people."

I suggest you also use the Second Amendment of the Constitution as part of argument.

I also suggest you go into more detail about how you'll get private owners to check for i.d. and proof that the buyers of guns have taken classes. How will that be enforced?

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

Strategy 1: Changing the Issue Position

To effectively change the position of people who are against gun control so that they agree with you, you can use certain arguments and promises that are symbolic. Here are a few ideas:

1. Promise to prioritize safety: Emphasize that implementing proper training and knowledge requirements for gun ownership will enhance public safety. Ensure that you convey this promise in a catchy phrase or slogan. For example, you could use a phrase like "Secure Guns, Safer Communities" to highlight your commitment to both individual gun rights and overall safety.

2. Appeal to personal freedom: Highlight the importance of preserving individual liberties and constitutional rights, emphasizing that responsible, law-abiding citizens should have the freedom to protect themselves and their families. You could use a phrase or argument like "Rights for Responsible Gun Owners" to emphasize the balance between individual freedoms and responsible gun ownership.

Strategy 2: Raising Salience (Power) through Information Distribution

To raise awareness and increase the salience of the gun control issue, distributing information effectively is crucial. Here are a few ideas beyond pamphlets:

1. Organize public debates or panel discussions: Invite experts and advocates from both sides of the gun control debate to participate in open forums where they can present their arguments and engage in a constructive dialogue. This can help educate the community and raise awareness about the issue.

2. Engage in community events: Participate in community gatherings, fairs, or local events where you can set up booths or information stations. Provide informative brochures, fact sheets, and materials that present unbiased information about gun control, enabling individuals to make informed decisions.

3. Use digital platforms: Leverage social media platforms and create an online presence to disseminate information about gun control. Share articles, statistics, and infographics that present both the arguments and counterarguments in a balanced manner. Engage with individuals in constructive discussions to facilitate a better understanding of the issue.

4. Collaborate with relevant organizations: Partner with local community organizations, educational institutions, or advocacy groups that focus on issues related to gun control. By working together, you can amplify your efforts and reach a larger audience through joint events, workshops, or informational campaigns.

Remember, the key to both strategies is effective communication and engagement with the target audience. Tailor your messaging, promises, and information distribution methods to the specific demographics and interests of the individuals you are trying to persuade.