#1 You're an inpatient coder in a hospital. You've just coded a Medicare Part A record with a diagnosis-related group (DRG) reinbursement of $12,000. You notic in the hospital's computer billing system that the patient's charges are $19,500. That's $7,500 more than the hospital will be reinbursed. How does the difference between the charges and the DRG reinbursement become resolved? #2 Yo're reviewing reinbursement for a Medicare surgical craniotomy case. The case falls into DRG1, which has a relative weight of 3.09070 and a geometric mean lenth of stay of 6.3. The hospital's current standard reinbursement rate is $1500. Calculate the DRG reinbursement for this case. Thankyou inadvance for your help with these question.